surgical procedure video
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy | Dr. Shashank Shah performs a detailed surgical procedure on sleeve gastrectomy, a weight loss surgery. Watch as Dr. Shah demonstrates the step-by-step process, providing...
Unilateral Lung Transplantation with Antrolateral...
Surgical video case: unilateral lung transplantation with antrolateral thoracotomy in this video i show you how to do it. Lung transplantation is a surgical procedure in which a diseased or failing...
Modified RV to PA in Cases After Norwood
The Norwood operation is a complex surgical procedure performed on newborns with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), a congenital heart defect where the left side of the heart is severely underdeveloped....
Heller's Myotomy and Methylene Blue Test...
Laparoscopic Heller's cardiomyotomy is the surgical procedure of choice in the management of oesophageal achalasia. It is critical to confirm the completeness of the myotomy and mucosal integrity...
R-eTEP Rives-Stoppa Bottom-Up Inan Inverting...
Surgical technique video: classic laparoscopic diastasis recti plication produces a vertical subcutaneous bulge especially disturbing in thin patients. This robotic inverting plication suturing is inspired...
LeForte Colpocleisis (Dr Wedisha Gankanda)
Introduction Leforte colpocleisis is a surgical procedure performed to treat pelvic organ prolapse in women, particularly in those who frail and have completed their childbearing not requiring...
Splenic Flexure Mobilisation
In this short video a technique of splenic flexure mobilisation is presented. As it is deemed a necessary step in left sided resection, many surgeons still prefer to perform the ligation of AMI as the...
Latissimus Dorsi Flap
This video demonstrates the technique of harvest of Latissimus dorsi flap by Dr Vipin Goel for coverage of an lumpectomy defect for carcinoma breast. The latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap (LDMF) is one...
Limberg Flap For Pilonidal Sinus
A Limberg flap operation is a procedure for extensive or recurrent pilonidal disease. In the operation, a diamond-shaped incision is made to remove the affected skin and underlying tissue. Another incision...