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Transcanal Endoscopic Cholesteatoma Excision

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Fully endoscopic infiltrative matrix cholesteatoma removal. Hidden regions.

Chronic Mucosal Otitis Media: Endoscopic Tympanoplasty

views: 184 comments: 0

This is another demonstration on how to repair a chronic mucosal (suppurative) otitis media, while in active otorrhea fase.  

Meniere's Disease - Endoscopic Tenotomies

views: 388 comments: 0

ENT endoscopy video case: Meniere's disease - endoscopic tenotomies. Performed by Bartel R. MD, FEBORL.  

Transcanal Endoscopic Tympanoplasty for Active...

views: 297 comments: 0

An endoscopic tympanoplasty in an active chronic suppurative otitis media. The main intraoperative finding was an important tympanosclerosis and fully blocked middle ear ventilation pathways.   

Inferior Turbinate Radiofrequency

views: 336 comments: 0

ENT clinical case: inferior turbinate radiofrequency. Performed by Prof. Xavier Gonzalez-Compta MD, PhD. 

Endoscopic Tympanoplasty: Cartilage Butterfly

views: 343 comments: 0

Endoscopic tympanoplasty: cartilage butterfly. 

Infiltration of the Ear Canal - Endoscopic Ear...

views: 318 comments: 0

Preparation of the ear canal is a very important step for EES. 

Endoscopic Butterfly Tympanoplasty for Eardrum...

views: 648 comments: 1

ENT clinical case: inlay butterfly tympanoplasty. 

Ischial Bursa Injection

views: 302 comments: 0

Ischial Bursa Injection.

On The Origin of the Application of the Arthoscopic...

views: 3558 comments: 0

This short promotional (historical) video explains how the arthoscopic shaver can to be used in ensocopic sinus surgery. 

Paediatric Spine Deformities

views: 1176 comments: 0

Farhaan Altaf. The lecture is about paediatric spine deformities. - The three types of scoliosis are congenital, syndromic, and idiopathic. - Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is the most common form...

Cholesteatoma in the Mesotympanic Space. How...

views: 446 comments: 0

Cholesteatoma in the mesotympanic space. How to manage a deshiscent facial nerve. On the 5th World Congress on Endoscopic Ear Surgery.  

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