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Register for freeArticular Cartilage Structure and Function
Articular cartilage is an avascular and aneural tissue, meaning it does not have a blood supply or nerves. It functions as a shock-absorbing structure that protects the underlying bone. The bone is formed...
ESD for Large Pedonculated Duodenal Polyp
Endoscopic clinical case: large pedonculated polyp more than 5 cm. Snaring was difficut, submucosal injection and dissection at the base, coagulation of the vessel with a coag grasper and closure of the...
The Menopause Menu: What Med Students Need to...
Dr. Erkeda DeRouen talks to Dr. Susan Baumgaertel, an internal medicine physician with 30 years of experience and founder of MenopauseMenu and myMDadvocate. They discuss menopause lessons for medical...
Bone and Joint Infections: Causes, Symptoms and...
This video provides a review of bone and joint infections.
Collagen Explained: Types, Functions and Role...
There are approximately 20 types of collagen. Collagen is a tough but flexible framework that mechanically supports proteoglycans and cells. Collagen is made by fibroblasts.
Relapsing Polychondritis
Relapsing polychondritis is an autoimmune condition that causes the inflammation of cartilage throughout the body. It is characterized by recurrent inflammation and destruction of cartilage structures.
ERCP for Large CBD Stone
Endoscopic video case: 55 years old man with acute cholangitis. - under oral anti diabetic medication since 20 years. - acute cholangtis related to a 14 x 25 mm large CBD stone. Cholecysyctomy done...
Petrous Face Meningioma Resection Through Left...
Petrous face meningioma resection through left retrosigmoid approach / Dr. Mohammed Bafaquh.
Indirect Restorations For Guiding Teeth - PDP196
Plant it low and watch it grow? Is that serving our patients? Should we keep our crowns flat to avoid ‘interferences’? How about guiding teeth - how can we recreate and build in guidance and...
Transcervical Resection of Fibroid
Video case: transcervical resection of fibroid in 85 years old woman presented with PMB.
Early Versus Delayed Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy...
"Early versus delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for the management of cholecystocholedocholithiasis". This talk was presented at the SS41:...
Endoscopic Inlay Cartilage Butterfly Tympanoplasty...
This time we had a marginal and big tympanic perforation. The inlay cartilage butterfly technique is very versatile and adaptable. It was initially used for central perforations, but with a correct design...
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SAGES - Society of American Gastrointestinal...
The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) is…

Mitral Valve Repair Center at The Mount...
As one of the world's most respected and experienced heart…

EUS-ENDO will offer one day of live transmission from Paoli-Calmettes…