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Register for freeIsolating the Last Tooth in the Arch #RubberDamFam...
Rubber Dam isolation can be tricky enough sometimes - it is especially awkward when the TERMINAL MOLAR needs restoring. How on earth does one isolate AND matrix this tooth? In this episode Isolating the...
ESD Residual Adenoma Recti
Endoscopic clinical case: patient female after first pEMR resection large rectum lesion, size 3,5 sm. After control colonoscopy we found residual adenoma. We propouse ESD method resection this lesion.
TLH 36 3eek Fibroid
In this comprehensive surgical guide, we delve into the complexities and techniques involved in performing Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH) on a 36-week fibroid uterus post two previous C-sections....
Endoscopic Septoplasty for Septal Deviation
Video of an endoscopic septoplasty for treating a deviated nasal septum.
Robotic Right S2 Segmentectomy for Stage 1 NSCLC...
Surgical video case: unedited robotic right S2 segmentectomy for stage 1 NSCLC.
Intradura Extramedullary Spinal Tumor Cauda Equina
Removal of spinal tumor at lumbar level, the main complaints were tightness at upper both legs. No cauda equina syndrome. Intraoperative monitoring also used. Drain was removed at 3rd day. Patient went...
Periodontal and Systemic Link - Correlation or...
There’s more to oral hygiene than just saving our teeth, so let’s dive into this fascinating episode with Dr Reena Wadia (IG: @ReenaWadia) learn more about the importance of perio and how...
Robotic Right Hemicolectomy with CME for Cancer....
Open-Book dissection technique and bottom-up suprapubic robotic setting enhance precision and oncologic efficiency. Open Book Technique allows a meticulous anatomical dissection, emphasizing the preservation...
Uniportal VATS Carinal Resection and Reconstruction...
CTS video case: uniportal VATS carinal resection and reconstruction (sparing lung surgery).
Tuberculum Sella Menigeoma Resection
Neurosurgical video case: tuberculum sella menigeoma resection thru left pterional craniotomy and resection. Dr Mohammed Bafaquh.
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for a Hybrid Leiomyoma
Another laparoscopic hysterectomy, this time for a hybrid leiomyoma, happy because I've 2 first year gynecology residents helping me. This time I use bipolar forceps, a curved jaw tissue sealer and monopolar...
The High-Stakes Competition to Land a US Residency
Dr. Erkeda DeRouen talks to Dr. Bryan Carmody, a pediatric nephrologist at Eastern Virginia Medical School. They discuss the value of standardized test scores, the ultra-competitive nature of the residency...
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SAGES - Society of American Gastrointestinal...
The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) is…

Mitral Valve Repair Center at The Mount...
As one of the world's most respected and experienced heart…

EUS-ENDO will offer one day of live transmission from Paoli-Calmettes…