
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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LST-G - Mixed Type - ESD Resection

views: 2210 comments: 0

A video case of ESD resection series presenting LST-G polyp in a young lady. Resection in "enblock fashion". Specimen was retrieved and sent to histopatology... report pending.

Huge Colonic IS Polyp Clip Assisted Resection

views: 2069 comments: 1

Endoscopic video case: with base quite difficult to access, a clip was placed at the base to facilliate resection of quite big colonic polyp - enabling en block resection with snaring above the clip....

Prophylactic Clips to Reduce Delayed Polypectomy...

views: 1579 comments: 3

Endoscopic video case: endoscopic clipping has been established as a safe and effective method for the treatment of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding in numerous randomized studies. Recently,...

Screening Colonoscopy

views: 3653 comments: 0

Video demonstrating (*brand hidden*) durability in screening colonoscopy in visualizing and resecting colon polyps.

Pedunculated Rectal Polyp

views: 3472 comments: 2

Video case: endoscopic removal of pedunculate polyp.

Hysteroscopic Resection of Fibroid

views: 5695 comments: 0

Surgical video case: removal of a type 1 submucosal fibroid. Note the right plan of dissection to ensure complete removal of a fibroid. Bioplar resectoscope was used. Fluid deficit was in limits and blood...

Removal of Endometrial Polyp - Polypectomy

views: 15161 comments: 0

Surgical video case: removal of endometrial polyp in outpatient clinic under llocal anaesthesia. Polypectomy was performed for post menopausal bleeding.

Polypectomy of Large Colonic Polyp

views: 6250 comments: 0

Video case: polypectomy of large colonic polyp. 

Endoloop Polypectomy

views: 4965 comments: 0

Long pedunculated polyp, polypectomy with endoloop.

Colonoscopy: Descending Colon - LST-NG - EMR+APC+Clips...

views: 6501 comments: 0

The video shows descending colon LST-NG polyp EMR. Injection: 22 ml saline with Methylene Blue, 15 and 10 mm snare, Endocut Q 3-1-5, clip closure, reapplied clips for loose clips.

Hot Snare EMR for Rectal Polyp

views: 7196 comments: 0

A 10 mm rectal polyp , type 0-IIa, submucosal saline with methylen blue injction and hot snare mucosectomy. Dr Sami Boudabbous.

Endoloop Polypectomy

views: 10780 comments: 0

Video case: endoloop-assisted polypectomy.

Rectal Polypectomy With Cold Snare

views: 7345 comments: 1

Video case: low rectal sessile polyp (7 mm), cold snare polypectomy with exacto (usendoscopy).

Two cecum polyps, polypectomy

views: 4557 comments: 0

Indication for the procedure: cecum polyps. Elective polypectomy was planned. Colonoscope was inserted and advanced to the cecum. Two polyps were found - one flat polyp with diameter of 10 mm and one...

Ascending Colon Polyp with Central Depression,...

views: 5256 comments: 0

Indication for the procedure: large ascending colon polyp. Elective polypectomy was performed. The polyp was found in the proximal part of ascending colon. Gelospan was injected in the base of the flat...

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