femtosecond laser

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Kamra Inlay Surgery

views: 4232 comments: 0

Kamra inlay for presbyopia. Video by Howard Gimbel MD.

Catalys Phaco Post RK Toric IOL

Jason Jones

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 3878 comments: 0

This patient is approximately 20 years s/p 6 incision radial keratotomy. The cataract is treated with a femtosecond laser to create a centered capsulotomy and nuclear fragmentation and softening. Corneal...

CATALYS: Beautiful Bubbles

Jason Jones

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4929 comments: 0

This case is of a 37 year old man with a PSC cataract. During the lens softening and fragmentation by the OptiMedica Catalys femtosecond laser system, the gas bubbles formed are trapped within the soft...

Catalys Phaco With Toric IOL And Pseudoexfoliation

Jason Jones

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4868 comments: 0

This patient with high astigmatism and pseudoexfoliation desired correction of the astigmatism during cataract surgery. During the Catalys procedure the capsulotomy size is adjusted because of less than...

Fugo Plasma Blade Vs Femtosecond Laser as Technologies...

views: 5817 comments: 0

FDA has approved Fugo Blade on 2000 and Femtosecond Laser on 2010 as plasma technologies, that ablate  tissues. But The Fugo Blade is used in much more types of surgeries. It does that a FS Laser can...

PAC: Femtosecond Laser vs Fugo Plasma Blade

views: 5458 comments: 0

The video presents the Plasma Ablation Capsulotomy (PAC), which is the future of cataract surgery. We can distinguish 2 types of PAC: femtosecond laser capsulotomy and Fugo Plasma Blade Capsulotomy. Precise...

Plasma Ablation Capsulotomy - Fugo Blade Or Femtosecond...

views: 6106 comments: 0

The video shows unique capabilities of plasma ablation capsulotomy for cataract, peformed with the Fugo blade. After US FDA approved of the femtosecond laser, a renewed interest in plasma ablation surgery...

Sommering Ring Cataract - Fugo Plasma Capsulotomy

views: 7694 comments: 0

The video presents a capsulotomy for Sommering ring cataract. It is performed with use of Fugo blade in seconds. When the cataractous ring is removed, the central thick membrane is ablated. This can only...

Glaucoma - Plasma Ablation Surgery

views: 5179 comments: 0

The video shows the procedure of plasma ablation surgery. When the US FDA approved of the femtosecond laser, a renewed interest in plasma ablation surgery was generated. It is performed with the Fugo...

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