Glaucoma - Plasma Ablation Surgery

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13 years ago

Case description

The video shows the procedure of plasma ablation surgery. When the US FDA approved of the femtosecond laser, a renewed interest in plasma ablation surgery was generated. It is performed with the Fugo Plasma Blade or with lasers such as the rediscovered femtosecond laser. The femtosecond laser generates plasma ablation by employment of a classic laser platform. On the contrary the Fugo Plasma Blade generates plasma by a novel system that presents many of the components of electrosurgical systems. Because of this, the Fugo Plasma Blade is much smaller and also cheaper in comparison to femtosecond lasere. Both systems have advantages. The Fugo Plasma Blade is a portable and operated by battery. It provides multiple FDA approved applications. It also ensures the surgeon capabilities of accelerating the surgery and getting out of trouble during the operation. Here a modification of the FDA approved glaucoma procedure is presented. It has the potential to revolutionize the glaucoma surgery. This happens to be the only FDA approved procedure of filtering aqueous fluid from the posterior chamber of the eye. The force vectors on the back of the iris are always lower than the force vectors on the front of the iris, when fluid is drained from behind the iris. This is why, even when eye pressures are below 10, flat anterior chambers with posterior chamber filtration are rarely seen. In the presented method the posterior chamber decompression is fast, predictable and tight closure of the conjunctiva is not required.

tags: ablation femtosecond laser fugo blade glaucoma plasma singh

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