Plasma Ablation Capsulotomy - Fugo Blade Or Femtosecond Laser?

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13 years ago

Case description

The video shows unique capabilities of plasma ablation capsulotomy for cataract, peformed with the Fugo blade. After US FDA approved of the femtosecond laser, a renewed interest in plasma ablation surgery was generated. It can be performed with lasers such as the femtosecond laser or with the Fugo Plasma Blade. Plasma ablation capsulotomy was just approved by the US FDA for the femtosecond laser. Whereas anterior capsulotomy has been performed with use of the Fugo Plasma Blade for 10 years in the USA and globally. Plasma ablation capsulotomy is surely capable of revolutionizing cataract surgery. Large tears in capsule can be "erased" even when they extend under the iris. Until now many ascpects of the presented surgery have been considered technically impossible.The surgeon is provided with a combination of control and capability which seems a new level of cataract surgery.

tags: cataract capsulotomy fugo blade femtosecond laser singh PAC

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