
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Colonoscopy: Descending Colon LST-NG EMR - Path:...

views: 1556 comments: 0

Location: Proximal Descending colon; prior biopsies Lesion: LST-NG ~ 4 cm Injection: Saline + Methylene Blue + 1:100,000 Epi; 50 ml Snare: Stiff Snare - 15 mm and 10 mm EndocutQ 3-1-5 Quality of lift:...

Laparoscopic Small Bowel and Mesentry Resection...

views: 8541 comments: 0

A 61-year old gentleman c/o indigestion and vomiting for 1 month. Mild to moderate abdominal pain. No abdominal distension. H/O blood in stool or malena x2.

Sinonasal Adenocarcinoma with Intracranial Extension...

views: 4639 comments: 0

Adenocarcinomas of the sinonasal tract may originate from respiratory surface epithelium or the underlying seromucous glands. These malignancies are divided into salivary-type adenocarcinomas and non-salivary-type...

Pancreaticoduodenectomy for primary locally advanced...

views: 4382 comments: 0

EXCLUSIVE SURGICAL CASE. Primary carcinoma of duodenum is very rare. This clinical case seems to be exclusive. We have performed surgery to a young man for the tumor of distal descendens and horizontal...

Distal subtotal gastrectomy for stomach cancer

views: 6105 comments: 0

This surgical video describes a clinical case of patient with stomach adenocarcinoma of antrum with metastatic LN conglomerate invasion into pancreatic head capsule. Video by Dr Ilya Gotsadze.

Proximal subtotal gastrectomy for stomach adenocarcinoma

views: 3926 comments: 0

Gastric cancer surgical treatment remains a challenge. Radical procedure is very important for the prognosis of the disease. Proximal subtotal gastrectomy was performed to patient with stomach adenocarcinoma....

Extended Transverse Colon CME (D3) for Locally...

views: 3618 comments: 0

I could not even imagine such kind of local spread of transverse colon cancer. We operated the patient with the adenocarcinoma of Transverse Colon with invasion of stomach and urinary bladder walls and...

Open Right Lower Bilobectomy for Non-Small Lung...

views: 4694 comments: 0

Right Lower Bilobectomy performed to 48 years old male with lung adenocarcinoma (NSLC) after neoajuvant chemotherapy. We recieved only stabilization after neoadjuvant treatment. Surgical strategy was...

Colonoscopy: Sigmoid colon cancer

views: 4471 comments: 0

The following video presents a colonoscopy in middle aged patient. During colonoscopy multiple biopsies were taken. Diagnosis: adenocarcinoma.

Laparoscopic Total Gastrectomy, D2 Lymphadenectomy,...

views: 4585 comments: 0

This video shows laparoscopic total gastrectomy, D2 lymphadenectomy, en bloc distal pancreatectomy, splenectomy and high anterior resection due to gastric adenocarcinoma and colonic adenocarcinoma. Video...

Laparoscopic Abdomino-Transanal Resection Of...

views: 5163 comments: 0

This video shows case of 56 years old female with a distal rectal adenocarcinoma - T2N0M0. The laparoscopic abdomino-transanal resection of the rectum was performed.

Laparoscopic Control Of Aortic Bleeding Following...

views: 7674 comments: 3

We present an extended paraortic laparoscopic lymphadenectomy performed in a 28 years old male diagnosed with advanced left colon adenocarcinoma (9/11) extended to the renal fatty tissue and abdominal...

Laparoscopic D2 Radical Total Gastrectomy for...

views: 9016 comments: 8

We present the case of a 66-year-old man was examined in our multidisciplinary gastrointestinal oncology clinic for further management of an adenocarcinoma of the body of the stomach. The patient presented...

Laparoscopic Transhiatal Esophagectomy

views: 8497 comments: 0

58 year old female with six months history of progressive dysphagia for both solids and liquids. She was evaluated thoroughly and found to have an OG junction adenocarcinoma. She underwent lap assisted...

Laparoscopic Retossigmoidectomy for Haggit-IV...

views: 5329 comments: 0

This case presents a 67 years old woman, submited to a Laparoscopic Retossigmoidectomy; due to a superior rectun Haggit-IV adenocarcinoma.

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