
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Subtotal Gastrectomy

views: 4227 comments: 0

Subtotal gastrectomy + laparoscopic D2 dissection - adenocarcinoma of the gastric antrum.

Pulmonary S8+9 Segmentectomy of the Right Lower...

views: 6277 comments: 0

63 yo female ex smoker with moderately severe COPD. Incidentally found to have a 13mm FDG-avid pulmonary nodule in the right lower lobe of her lung. Attempted CT-guided percutaneous needle biopsy non-diagnostic....

Laparoscopic TME with Monopolar Hook Electrocautery

views: 8495 comments: 1

66-year-old female patient (BMI 26.4) with rectal adenocarcinoma. She underwent neoadjuvant long-course radio-chemotherapy. Preoperative CT revealed liver metastasis in segment 7. The patient was scheduled...

Laparoscopic Extended Left Hemicolectomy (Deloyers...

views: 19167 comments: 8

78-year-old female patient with a malignant colorectal polyp in the sigmoid colon (adenocarcinoma G3) and large adenoma in the transverse colon. Preoperative endoscopic tattooing was performed for precise...

Duodenal Segmental Resection

views: 7854 comments: 0

Surgical video case of duodenal resection.

Discussion of Clinical Cases - Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

views: 4048 comments: 0

Presented by Katherine A. Morgan and Mohammed Abu Hilal at the "SAGES/AHPBA Session: Advanced Management of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma - Techniques and Results" session during the SAGES 2019...

Laparoscopic Intersphincteric Resection for Intra-Anal...

views: 8216 comments: 0

44-year-old female patient (BMI 19.5) with intra-anal rectal adenocarcinoma (Roullier type 3). In preoperative MRI/CT - T2N0M0, no involvement of external anal sphincter. She underwent neoadjuvant radiotherapy...

Resection of Aorto-Pulmonary Window Tumour Mass,...

views: 12909 comments: 5

62 year old lady with previous right upper lobectomy for t1a n0 m0 lung 8mm adenocarcinoma 3 years ago. Asymptomatic. Surveillance annual ct scan imaging shows a 2cm left mediastinal mass. On a pet scan...

LPS Degastro-Gastrectomy

views: 5343 comments: 0

LPS Degastro-Gastrectomy for adenocarcinoma of G-J anastomosis.

Recurrent Rectal Cancer - Laparoscopic Completion...

views: 7422 comments: 0

55-year-old male patient (BMI 22.4) with recurrent rectal cancer. He underwent open rectal resection and postoperative radiotherapy in June 2019 in another hospital. MRI and endoscopy confirmed recurrence...

Laparoscopic Complete Mesocolic Excision (CME)...

views: 7064 comments: 2

82-year-old female patient with relatively large hepatic flexure adenocarcinoma. No distant metastases in preoperative CT have been found. The procedure is demanding and more time consuming than a standard...

TaTME (Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision) for...

views: 6648 comments: 4

72-year-old male patient, BMI 21.9 kg/m2. Colorectal adenocarcinoma in the distal rectum (2 cm from the anal verge). In MRI T3N(+) MRF(-), underwent preoperative radiochemotherapy. The patient was scheduled...

Laparoscopic Sigmoidectomy. Supracolic Splenic...

views: 12406 comments: 0

57-year-old male patient. BMI 22.2 kg/m2 Colorectal adenocarcinoma in the sigmoid colon. He was scheduled for laparoscopic sigmoid resection. The video shows supracolic splenic flexure mobilization...

Laparoscopic Left Colectomy for Splenic Flexure...

views: 4733 comments: 0

We present in detail all the steps of a laparoscopic left hemicolectomy with ligation of LCA and preservation of IMA in a 67-year-old woman diagnosed with splenic flexure adenocarcinoma. The operation...

Corporocaudal Splenopancreatectomy for Adenocarcinoma...

views: 811 comments: 0

We present a step by step videolaparoscopic corporocaudal splenopancreatectomy for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas.

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