Thoracic surgery videos
Aberrant Vessel During Robotic Left Upper Lobe...
This is a case of a patient with bilateral adenocarcinoma's, in whom segmentectomy was the procedure of choice in order to conserve pulmonary tissue and therefore function. During the operation, the...
Uniportal VATS Right Anterior Segmentectomy S3
This video shows the whole procedure for an anterior anatomic segmentectomy due to a early stage lung cancer (AIS) located in the S3 of the right side.
Uniportal VATS Right Posterior Segmentectomy...
In this video we show a non edited surgery to remove a GGO small tumor located in the posterior segment of the RUL. The postoperative course of the patient was uneventful.
Subxiphoid Uniportal VATS Bilateral Surgery
In this video we show a bilateral resection through a single subxiphoid incision: right upper lobectomy and wedge resection of left S3. Masterclass in Uniportal VATS in Malaga.
Ultra Advanced VATS Instrumentation Using Only...
In this video we show the evolution of advanced instrumentation adapted to uniportal VATS anatomic resections by using only a magnetic grasper, energy devices (harmonic scalpel) and a long curved suction....
Uniportal VATS Lobectomy for Huge Pulmonary Sequestration...
In this video we show a challenging uniportal VATS lobectomy for a huge pulmonary sequestration, located in the right lower lobe with a dangerous thick abnormal artery coming from the abdominal aorta...
Uniportal VATS Resection of Apical Neurogenic...
In this video we show the thoracoscopic resection of an apical neurogenic tumor located at thoracic inlet of the right side through a small 2 cm incision placed at 4th intercostal space. The instrumentation...
Situs Inversus Uniportal VATS Anatomic Segmentectomy...
Totalis Situs Inversus (SIT) is an extremely rare condition where the major organs are reversed or mirrored from their usual positions. There are few reports in literature describing thoracoscopic major...
Non Intubated Uniportal VATS Complex Lobectomy...
In this video we describe a non edited video of a complex right lower lobectomy performed during live surgery by using advanced instruemtation with the new harmonic shears. The patient was operated through...
Uniportal VATS Right Lower Sleeve Lobectomy
In this video we show a case of a lung cancer with endobronchial lesion located at the entrance of dorsal bronchus of the lower lobe. We performed an Uniportal approach through a 4 cm incision at the...
Uniportal VATS Vascular Anastomosis During Double...
VATS double sleeve lobectomy (vascular and bronchial anastomosis) through a single 4 cm incision is a challenging procedure that should be performed only by expert thoracoscopic surgeons. It is a good...
Upside Down Fissureless Technique for a Tumor...
In this video we show an uniportal approach to perform an upside down fissureless technique to perform a left lower lobectomy and partial resection of lingula in a tumor involving the fissure.
Master Class of Hellers Myotomy
This video is Master Class of Hellers Myotomy. Video by Dr R K Mishra.
Unisurgeon Uniportal VATS Anatomic S1 with Magnetic...
This video shows how to perform an uniportal VATS anatomic apical segmentectomy with no assistant thanks to the use of a robotic arm to hold de camera and a magnetic grasper to hold the lung.
Uniportal VATS Trisegmentectomy
This video shows a non edited anatomic culmenectomy performed through a single 3 cm incision. The patient had a 2 cm GGO tumor located in the left upper lobe. The postoperative course of the patient was...
Oleg Kshivets
MD, PhD.
Arie Blitz
Corza TachoSil Quill
commercial institution
SAGES - Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
medical institution
CMR Surgical
commercial institution
Department of Surgery - University of Southern California
medical institution
da Vinci Thoracic Surgery
commercial institution
Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy video
Arun Prasad
views: 24063
Minimally Invasive VATS Bullectomy And Pleure...
views: 13949
Mediastinal Tumor in Child
Daniel Bonomi
views: 745
Recently active users
Sam Zeraatian Nejad Davani
Stefano Cafarotti
Atilla Eroglu
Corza TachoSil Quill
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