Thoracic Surgery images
Robotic Surgery for Lung Cancer
Video case: robotic lung cancer surgery in Ticino. Tessitore A, Casiraghi M, Patella M, Cafarotti. Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale-Ticino, Switzerland.
VATS S2 Right Segmentectomy
Compared to lobectomy, performing a segmentectomy needs more experience and anatomical knowledge, in particular atypical segmentectomies like S2 resection. It is considered an uncommon but very useful...
Latissimus Dorsi Flap Reconstruction
Latissimus Dorsi Flap Reconstruction. A case 66 years old, female patient, cancer breast, complaining post radiotherapy, a large skin ulcer, necrotic ribs. Procedure: ribs resected and replaced by...
Multiple Ribs Fracture
Rare case CT chest with bony reconstruction showing multiple ribs fracture (left anterior part of rib).
Right Lung Pneumothorax in a 3 Years old Male
Diagnosis: Pitch Black Lung with no Vascular Markings. Contralateral Deviation of Trachea and Heart. Possible Cause: Structural Lung Disorder, Congenital Bullae, Most Common in India: Tubercular Bullae.
Spontaneous Pneumothorax In Patient With Emphysema
This video presents spontaneous pneumothorax in patient with emphysema.
Oleg Kshivets
MD, PhD.
Arie Blitz
Corza TachoSil Quill
commercial institution
SAGES - Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
medical institution
CMR Surgical
commercial institution
Department of Surgery - University of Southern California
medical institution
da Vinci Thoracic Surgery
commercial institution
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Stefano Cafarotti
Dattatreya Mukherjee
medicine student
Sławomir Fesołowicz
MD, PhD.