
Adenocarcinoma adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy Histopathology hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case TUMOR ulcer varices
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Non Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Another Case

views: 1042 comments: 1

Awareness of the anomalies of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is essential to avoid its injury during thyroidectomy. In this case, it was non recurrent laryngeal nerve; notice its exit from the vagus nerve...

Parathyroid Blood Supply Preservation

views: 1473 comments: 2

Hypoparathyroidism is one of the complications of total thyroidectomy. It occurs not only due to accidental removal of the parathyroid glands, but also to devascularization of these glands. So preservation...

Your Thyroid Gland must be Complete with Intact...

views: 2161 comments: 4

Surgical video case: at the end of total thyroidectomy, Your thyroid gland must be complete with an intact capsule with no parathyroid tissues on its posterior surface. 

Milking the Cystic Duct to Remove Stones Then...

views: 1446 comments: 4

Surgical video case: open the cystic duct and do milking to retrieve stones and test for its patency and the patency of the CBD if no choledochoscope is available.

Where to Apply Your Clip or Ligature in Lap Cholecystectomy

views: 2680 comments: 4

In some cases of Lap Chole you may find difficulty to determine exactly where to apply your distal clip or ligature on the cystic duct as in this video, what's the sharp landmark for your exact site to...

Thyroidectomy Injury

views: 2319 comments: 0

Surgical video case: on doing thyroidectomy injury to the external laryngeal nerve can be avoided by dividing the superior thyroid vessels close to the upper pole. It is not essential to visualize the...

Critical View of Safty For Lap Cholecystectomy

views: 1310 comments: 0

Surgical video: critical view of safty for laparoscopic cholecystectomy is to identify the sulcus of rouvier and dissect above it, only two structures enter the GB, and dissect one-third of the cystic...

Are These Roots of Nonrecurrent Recurrent Laryngeal...

views: 802 comments: 0

Surgical video case: on doing total thyroidectomy, hypoparathyroidism, and injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve are dangerous complications. Preservation of the blood supply intact to the parathyroid...

Is it Also a Portal Vein Anomaly in the next...

views: 1373 comments: 7

Surgical video case: on doing my next successive case for lap chole I found this view. What's your opinion?

A Piece of Gauze May Be Mandatory to Control...

views: 1082 comments: 3

Don't forget to use a piece of gauze in controlling bleeding vessels in laparoscopic procedures. Sometimes I insert a piece of gauze before the occurrence of bleeding to be ready for dealing with bleeding...

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