Impacted Stone at Hartman
Difficulty in dissecting the Calot triangle may be solved by opening the Hartman to remove an impacted stone in Merrizi syndrome type I like my case here.
Madany Triangle is Safe in Case with Caterpillar...
Madany triangle is safe as a critical view of safety even in a case with Caterpillar hump of Rt hepatic artery. We abolish the seat belt effect of the cystic artery and its branches on the proximal part...
Madany Triangle; a New Era of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Madany triangle (video has a Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.)is a new era of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. It is fully prescribed in our publications...
Intraoperative Calls May be Mandatory. Call for...
During total thyroidectomy, I encountered -for the first time in my life- a thyroglossal tract extending from the pyramidal lobe to the hyoid bone. I didn't know if it was to remove the central part of...
eCut Insert in Bipolar Coagulation Forceps
The use of an eCut insert in bipolar coagulation forceps in laparoscopic appendectomy will minimize your need for the use of a scissor every now and then to divide the coagulated segment of the mesoappendix....
Laparoscopic Appendectomy Using Bipolar Diathermy
Surgical video: laparoscopic appendectomy using bipolar diathermy. Video article: pdf.
Madany Closure
Madany Closure is a novel technique for port site closure without a fascial closure device. The technique is described in the following link https://journals.lww. com/ejos/fulltext/2024/43010/madany_closure__a_novel_technique_for_fascial.17.aspx
Porta Hepatis LN Biopsy
If you find a sizable porta hepatis LN like this on doing lap chole. Will you remove it for histopathologic examination?
Diathermy May Burn at a Site Where Your Grasper...
Diathermy may burn at a site where your grasper is applied to tissues. Please take care. I want to ask about the situations you experienced where the burn of the diathermy had occurred other than this...
Disconnection Of The Sac Difficult Part Is The...
Surgical video case: disconnection of the medial part of the sac in congenital hernia is the most difficult part. What’s your opinion?
To Apply Your Clip or Ligature Snugged with CBD...
Video case: 11 yrs old boy with symptomatic gallstones without haemolytic diseases. On doing lap chole is it better to apply your clip or ligature snugged with CBD or to leave a short cystic duct stump?...
Stone in Cystic Duct Diverticulum in 7 yrs Old...
Surgical video case: cystic duct stones are commonly encountered nowadays by me. This 7 yrs old boy with gallstones had a cystic duct stone inside a diverticulum. It is better to put your clip or ligature...
Fused Liver Lobes May Add Difficulty to Lap Chole...
Surgical video case: is it common to encounter fused liver lobes during Lap Chole? Fused liver lobes may add difficulty to lap chole as it interferes with the smooth retraction of the GB fundus.
Avulsed Appendix
Surgical video case: don't apply force to tighten your loop on a severely inflamed and friable appendix, otherwise, avulsion of the appendix will occur.
Uterine Manipulator
The uterine manipulator will delineate your colpotomy site even in difficult cases to complete your hysterectomy during TLH.