total thyroidectomy

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Recurrent Adherent to the Gland

views: 428 comments: 3

Identification of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is a must during total thyroidectomy or lobectomy. Otherwise injury may occur in a case like this where the nerve is so adherent to the gland where it lies...

Intraoperative Calls May be Mandatory. Call for...

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During total thyroidectomy, I encountered -for the first time in my life- a thyroglossal tract extending from the pyramidal lobe to the hyoid bone. I didn't know if it was to remove the central part of...

Parathyroid Blood Supply Preservation

views: 2193 comments: 2

Hypoparathyroidism is one of the complications of total thyroidectomy. It occurs not only due to accidental removal of the parathyroid glands, but also to devascularization of these glands. So preservation...

Transaxillary Robotic Total Thyroidectomy

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P.C. Giulianotti, M. Piccoli GROSSETO: A 62 years old female presented a multinodular goiter with a 2 cm nodule in the right thyroid lobe that a fine needle aspiration cytology revealed to be at the...

Palsy of The Vocal Cords

views: 12705 comments: 0

In this video we can see a paralysed right vocal fold in a paramedian position. It was caused by an infiltration by papillary thyroid carcinoma with intra-tracheal spread after total thyroidectomy. The...

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