Thoracic surgery videos

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Unedited Robotic Right Upper Pulmonary Lobectomy

views: 5126 comments: 2

74 year old lady with a asymptomatic incidentally discovered persistent right upper lobe lung 3.5cm spiculated lesion with mild FDG PET uptake. She opted for surgical resection following a period of observation...

Robotic Left Upper Lobectomy For T1 N2 NSCLC...

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Surgical case: this female patient in her early 70s had a 2cm apical left upper lobe tumour with a 17mm FDG avid lymph node on the superior aspect of the lung hilum. It was unclear if this represented...

Single Metastase at Left Upper Lobe of the Lung

views: 2980 comments: 0

Single metastase at left upper lobe of the lung, treated by robotic resection.

Uniportal VATS Vascular Anastomosis During Double...

views: 4915 comments: 0

VATS Double sleeve lobectomy (vascular and bronchial anastomosis) through a single 4 cm incision is a challenging procedure that should be performed only by expert thoracoscopic surgeons. It is a good...

Uniportal VATS Anatomic Left Upper Trisegmentectomy...

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This video shows an anatomic left upper trisegmentectomy for a GGO lesion. The surgery is not edited showing all the steps. Dr Gonzalez Rivas.

Robotic Middle Lobectomy

views: 3337 comments: 0

Surgical video case: middle lobectomy - robotic.

Robotic Parathyroid Adenoma Removal in a Patient...

views: 5216 comments: 1

This is an interesting case of a patient with a mediastinal parathyroid adenoma but right next to a left internal mammary artery bypass graft! See how we get on with it. How would you have dealt with...

Lesion in Pulmonary Artery During the Left Lower...

views: 3315 comments: 0

Video case: vascular accident ... the way we treated a lesion in pulmonary artery during the left lower lobectomy. 

Thoracoscopic Esophageal Resection

views: 1593 comments: 0

Surgery video case: 51 yr male with SCC lower esophageal T3 lesion,post chemo RT, undergone thoracoscopic esophageal resection. 

Robotic Right Upper Lobectomy

views: 3542 comments: 0

This is a video of a right upper lobectomy, performed using the *brand hidden* robot system, by Mr Joel Dunning at the James Cook University Hospital, Middlesborough.

Complex Pulmonary Segmentectomy - Left S9+10...

views: 4228 comments: 0

Surgical video case: complex segmentectomy, left S9+10, showcasing the advantages of the (*brand hidden*) robotic platform. Bimanual bipolar energy dissection of lung tissue, vessel seal extend bipolar...

The Use of Tachosil® for Air Leak Repair in Post-VATS...

views: 2211 comments: 0

This video showcases how Tachosil® can successfully not only seal but facilitate an effective sealing of the air leakage area from the damaged pulmonary parenchyma during VATs procedures. In this...

Uniportal VATS Right Main Bronchus Sleeve Resection

views: 5427 comments: 1

In this video case we show a very unusual and rare case of carcinoid tumor located on the right main bronchus. The lung was hyper inflated (Trapped air) due to tumor obstruction so the exposure was challening...

Neoadjuvant Therapy Lung Cancer

views: 4031 comments: 0

Surgical video case: neoadjuvant therapy in lung cancer.

Robot Assisted Right Lower Lobectomy of the Lung

views: 9274 comments: 0

This 80 year old male never smoker underwent CABGx4 two months prior. On pre-surgery work-up he was discovered to have a 2 cm central right lower lobe lung tumour. Clinical T1N0M0, stage 1. FDG PET shows...

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