
Adenocarcinoma adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy Histopathology hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case TUMOR ulcer varices
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Colonoscopy: Inflammatory Polyp EMR

views: 5191 comments: 0

The video depicts inflammatory polyp EMR. Good to get into the habit of getting a clear margin.

Colonoscopy: Two Subtle Ascending Colon Polyps...

views: 3412 comments: 0

A case referred for colon EMR - I admire the gastroenterologist for picking this lesion as this was difficult to visualize because the colon was folded and the flat polyp was underneath a fold - required...

Endoloop Polypectomy

views: 8432 comments: 0

Video case: endoloop-assisted polypectomy.

Colonoscopy Image Interpretation - Case

views: 2280 comments: 4

Similar lesions were detected in several prior colonoscopy examinations. There was no clear histopathological conclusion. I encourage all the endoscopists to give a guide how to interpret the following...

Ascending Colon Polyp

views: 3241 comments: 2

According to the film "Ascending Colon Polyp Visible Only in Inverted Endoscope Position" - the video shows a sessile polyp (diameter 8-10 mm) with improved visibility in narrow band imaging....

Colonoscopy: Rectosigmoid Tethered Polyp after...

views: 4860 comments: 0

I used Endocut Q effect 1, duration 3, and interval 3, given the scarring underneath to have a pure cut effect.

Colonoscopic Perforations and Bleeding After...

views: 3479 comments: 1

The video shows management of colonoscopic perforations and bleeding after interventions. Presented by Peter W. Marcello at the "Reality TV: Colorectal Nightmares" session during the SAGES 2019...

Esophageal Ulcerations - Case

views: 3874 comments: 0

69-year-old female patient was referred for gastroscopy examination in the beginning of April due to acute dysphagia (for 7 days), pain/burning sensation along the sternum, pain in the epigastrium. In...

Bladder Stone Laser

views: 2018 comments: 1

This video shows bladder stone disintegration with high power holmium YAG laser.


views: 2233 comments: 2

Teaching video: endoscopic papillectomy. Underwater technic. Intraductal growth.

Colonoscopy: Cold Snare a Polyp - Resnare and...

views: 6558 comments: 0

Whenever a cold snare is done, it is a good idea to check the base and take a photo to document complete resection.; if residual polyp, resnare and complete the resection.

Colonoscopy: Descending LST-NG Tumor EMR

views: 3963 comments: 0

The video presents endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) of a descending colon LST-NG tumor.

Colon: Cecal Angioectasia Management

views: 4910 comments: 1

The video shows the management of cecal angioectasia.

Large Splenic Flexure Polyps, Polypectomy

views: 5470 comments: 0

Indication for colonoscopy: two large splenic flexure polyps. Elective colonoscopy was performed. One small pedunculated polyp (head diameter 10-12 mm) and one large two-headed polyp with a wide, demanding...

Endoscopic polypectomy

views: 3908 comments: 0

Anthra polyp that migrates through the pylorus to the duodenal bulb.

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