
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Endoscopic Canal Wall Reconstruction with Fascio-Periosteal...

views: 1176 comments: 0

ENT video case: endoscopic canal wall reconstruction with fascio-periosteal temporal flap, performed by Bartel R. MD, FEBORL. 

Endoscopic Transnasal Approach for Resection...

views: 2582 comments: 0

Clinical video case: endoscopic transnasal approach for resection of pituitary microadenoma in acromegaly patient + rescue flap harvesting.

Endoscopic Stapedotomy with Microdrill for Otosclerosis

views: 1820 comments: 0

This is an operative video of a right side stapedotomy using a microdrill.

Endoscopic Stapedotomy for Otosclerosis (Diode...

views: 2282 comments: 0

We decided to try an old diode laser we had on the OR. It has a long fibre that is adjustable for any need. We used it to cut the stapes tendon, the posterior crus of the stapes suprastructure and for...

Endoscopic Septoplasty for Deviation of the Nasal...

views: 4086 comments: 0

This a demonstration of the standardized technique for endoscopic septoplasties with captions! 

Endoscopic Revision Tympanoplasty for Conductive...

views: 1785 comments: 0

This is an edited video for an endoscopic revision tympanoplasty done to correct a postoperative conductive hearing loss. Audio on for commentaries on this endoscopic ear surgery video. 

Endoscopic Complete Sinus Surgery for Chronic...

views: 2809 comments: 0

This is a demonstration of a front to back approach to the paranasal sinuses using the vertical lamellas concept. After taking some polyps and preparing the sinus cavity, the very first step in ESS is...

Massive Food Impaction in Achalasia

views: 1700 comments: 0

We report a cases of acute dysphagia in the context of massivefood impaction. The patient was, a 23-year-old woman, presented with a late complication of achalasia. Impaction was the first manifestation...

Outpatient Polymyomectomy

Nabil Moulay

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 2555 comments: 2

This video case shows the technique for day care laparoscopic polymyomectomy in simple case. This endoscopic procedure is performed in clinique la capitale Rabat Morrocco.

Classic Endoscopic Findings of Achalasia

views: 1643 comments: 0

Endoscopy plays an important role in early evaluation, primarily to exclude other diseases such as webs, rings, esophageal cancer, and proximal gastric cancer, which can mimic the symptoms of achalasia....

Laterally Spreading Tumor EMR in the Right Colon

views: 3145 comments: 5

Clinical video case: LST removed in the right colon. NBI imaging revealed no worrisome endoscopic features. The polyp was removed successfully using Endoscopic Mucosal Resection technique. HIstopathology...

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis on Peroral Cholangioscopy

views: 2573 comments: 0

Endoscopic video case: patient with newly diagnosed PSC as it appears on cholangiscopy.

Screening Colonoscopy

views: 3620 comments: 0

Video demonstrating (*brand hidden*) durability in screening colonoscopy in visualizing and resecting colon polyps.

Malignant Afferent Loop Syndrome Obstruction...

views: 2466 comments: 0

A middle-aged male with a history of pancreatic head cancer s/p Whipple procedure 12 months ago presented with afferent limb syndrome due to malignant obstruction. This was successfully treated with EUS-guided...

Pedunculated Rectal Polyp

views: 3432 comments: 2

Video case: endoscopic removal of pedunculate polyp.

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