endoscopy education
Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Polyps - Fullhouse...
Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Polyps - Fullhouse FESS. By Xavier Gonzalez-Compta MD, PhD at VII Hands on FESS course EENS Barcelona 2017.
EMR of Periappendiceal Lesion After Partial Circumferential...
Video case: polyp located close to appendiceal orifice. Minding quite thin wall of the ceacum after proper lifting lateral incision was made to facilitate ensnaring the lesion. Clips applied to the resection...
LST-G - Mixed Type - ESD Resection
A video case of ESD resection series presenting LST-G polyp in a young lady. Resection in "enblock fashion". Specimen was retrieved and sent to histopatology... report pending.
ESD of a Huge 11x5 cm LST-G Mixed Type in Frailty...
A case of over 80 years old patient with frailty syndrome who disagreed surgical treament... . Huge 11 cm LST-G mixed type with sessile component resected in enblock fashion... .
Huge Colonic IS Polyp Clip Assisted Resection
Endoscopic video case: with base quite difficult to access, a clip was placed at the base to facilliate resection of quite big colonic polyp - enabling en block resection with snaring above the clip....
Colon Lateral Spreading Tumor Resected by EMR
Endoscopic video case: resection of a large colon polyp LST with EMR, very beautiful lesion.
Post-ESD-Resection-Bed Vessel vs Old Fashioned...
Post-ESD-resection-bed vessel vs old fashioned clips. Patient presented with rectal bleed. Hardened resection bed (after a few days) is making it diffucult for the clips to be positioned in an operator...
What is the Standard of Care of Bleeding Cardia...
Clinical video case: patient with known hepatic cirrhosis and small esophageal varices presenting with upper tract bleeding. What is the standard of care when bleeding derives from mucosal tear with...
EFTR of Sigmoid Colon Polypectomy Base
Endoscopic video case: a 86/M with triple vessel disease + post PTCA with CCF-severe LVD, was admitted with bleeding PR. A colonoscopy was done - showed a short pedunculated polyp of <20mm at 25cms...
Classic Endoscopic Findings of Achalasia
Endoscopy plays an important role in early evaluation, primarily to exclude other diseases such as webs, rings, esophageal cancer, and proximal gastric cancer, which can mimic the symptoms of achalasia....
Gastric Leiomyoma as an Atypical Cause of Upper...
Surgical video case: leiomyomas are infrequent benign intestinal tumors that can arise at any age and location within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. These tumors can cause symptoms including abdominal...
EFTR - Endoscopic Full Thickness Resection
Endoscopic video case: a 86/M with triple vessel disease + post PTCA with CCF-severe LVD, was admitted with bleeding PR. A colonoscopy was done - showed a short pedunculated polyp of <20mm at 25cms...
Endoscopy in Large Hiatal Hernia with Intrathoracic...
Endoscopic video case: paraesophageal hernia and intrathoracic stomach. In more severe cases of hiatal hernia, the fundus, or upper portion of the stomach, may slide upward into the chest cavity through...
Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) in the Management...
Endoscopic video case: colonoscopic polypectomy plays a major role in preventing colorectal cancer. However, resection of sessile, broad-based pedunculated and flat lesions carries a high risk of perforation....
Achalasia Endoscopy in Situs Inversus Totalis
Endoscopy video case: situs inversus totalis is a rare congenital disorder characterized by a completely reversed position (mirror‐image) of the thoracic and abdominal visceral organs. This preoperative...