sigmoid colon
Laparoscopic Inguino-scrotal Hernia (Irreducible...
Laparoscopic TAAP inguino-scrotal hernia (irreducible sigmoid colon).
Internal Hernia Following Laparoscopic Colorectal...
This is a case of 65 year old patient, presented with small bowel obstruction on post-operative day 6 after partial robotic nephrectomy. The past medical history includes a laparoscopic left colon resection...
EFTR of Sigmoid Colon Polypectomy Base
Endoscopic video case: a 86/M with triple vessel disease + post PTCA with CCF-severe LVD, was admitted with bleeding PR. A colonoscopy was done - showed a short pedunculated polyp of <20mm at 25cms...
Examination of the Adnexa and Sigmoid Colon in...
VIdeo case: examination of the adnexa and sigmoid colon in the acute abdomen that is diagnosed as acute appendicitis is essential especially if the appendix doesn't interpret the severity of the pain.
Sigmoid Colon Endoscopic Mucosal Resection
Endoscopy case: EMR allows the removal of tissue to the level of the muscularis propria and is a good alternative to surgery, thereby eliminating the need for surgical intervention and its associated...
Vaginoplasty Sigmoid NeoVaginoplasty For Vaginal...
Vaginoplasty using Sigmoid Colon for Vaginal Agenesis in MRKH patients.
Piecemeal EMR for Left Colon LST-G Polyp
Lower bleeding in a 72-year-old man on warfarin, endoscopy: 45 mm x 25 mm LST-G polype in the sigmoid colon, piecemeal EMR.
Laparoscopic left hemicolectomy due to cancer
A 75-year-old man suffering from sigmoid colon cancer without metastasis.
Laparoscopic Hartmann's Operation in Sigmoid...
The video presents a laparoscopic Hartmann's procedure of a 70-year-old man with sigmoid volvulus. The endoscopy was performed 48h before surgery.
Laparoscopic Sigmoidectomy. Supracolic Splenic...
57-year-old male patient. BMI 22.2 kg/m2 Colorectal adenocarcinoma in the sigmoid colon. He was scheduled for laparoscopic sigmoid resection. The video shows supracolic splenic flexure mobilization...
Colonoscopy: Sigmoid Colon Polyp Resection -...
An interesting case of an EMR of a large polyp located in a sigmoid colon. Video with author's commentary
Colonoscopy: Giant Sigmoid Colon Polyp - Classic...
A video describing a classic endoscopic management in the case of sigmoid colon polyp.
Colonoscopy: Sigmoid colon polyp resection -...
A resection of sigmoid colon polyp with audiodescription
Colonoscopy: Resection of Sigmoid Colon Stalk
Prior resection of colon polyps in the sigmoid colon revealed a small cancer in a polyp that extended close to the resection margin. No pictures were available to review the images. CT and CEA are unremarkable....
Colonoscopy: Sigmoid Colon Pedunculated Polyp...
A case of underwater resection of pedunculated polyp localised in sigmoid colon.