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Zacharia Silk consultant orthopedic surgeon specialized in spine surgery. - Mr. Silk has extensive training and expertise in spinal surgery, including fellowships in deformity at Great Ormond Street...

Posterior Incision Closure Following Scoliosis...

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In this video Dr Erickson shows how he utilises Quill bidiectional barbed suture to close all 3 layers after a scoliosis surgery.

Lumbar Spine - Typical MRI Interpretation

Specialty:  Radiology
views: 17976 comments: 0

This video presents typical interpretation process of magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar spine.

How to Read X-rays of the Lumbar Spine (Lower...

views: 12077 comments: 0

This video—Understanding X-Rays of the Lumbar Spine—is designed by dr Donald Corenman for the practitioner who has access to X-rays for diagnosis of lower back disorders. Lumbar X-rays can deliver so...

Ponte Procedure for Scoliosis

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This video highlights the Ponte procedure which is a section of a posterior spinal instrumentation and fusion surgery. This surgery was performed by Dr. Peter Newton to correct scoliosis. Dr. Newton is...

Vertebral Column Deformation and Neurofibromatosis

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Patient suffers from kyphosis and scoliosis of thoracic part of the vertebral column (both legs paralyzed) and neurofibromatosis. During surgery, which lasted 8 hours, the anomalous vertebrae was removed,...

Back Deformity Due To Arnold-Chiari Malformation

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An 11-year old female complained of constantly proceeding scoliosis. Further medical investigation showed an Arnold-Chiari malformation syringomyelia (cervical part of the spinal cord), causing lateral...

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