
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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LeForte Colpocleisis (Dr Wedisha Gankanda)

views: 11732 comments: 5

Introduction  Leforte colpocleisis is a surgical procedure  performed to treat pelvic organ prolapse in women, particularly in those who frail and have completed their childbearing not requiring...

Utero Cervico Secropexy with Prolene Mess

views: 8413 comments: 0

DIGNOSIS:- 3RT DEGREE UTERINE PROLAPSE CYSTOCELE+++ rectocele+++ enterocele+++ TREATMENT (PLAN OF SURGERY):-DLS + p repair + cervical amputation DLS done under general anaesthesia given by dr amit and...

Laparoscopic Cervicosacropexy with Proline Mess

views: 13934 comments: 0

Diagnosis: - 3 rt degree uterine prolapse cystocele+++ rectocele+++ enterocele+++ Treatment plan / plan of surgery: - DLS + p repair DLS done under general anaesthesia given by dr amit and done by...

Rectocele Repair - Transvaginal Technique with...

views: 41526 comments: 0

This video describes a rectocele repair by a transvaginal approach. The patient is a 71 year-old female with a large symptomatic rectocele. For the purpose of a transvaginal repair the patient is placed...

Posterior And Apical Vaginal Support With Mesh-...

osama Badran

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 7680 comments: 1

In this video you can see posterior and apical vaginal support with mesh - posterior slingplasty.

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