nasal septum

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Endoscopic Septoplasty for Septal Deviation

views: 437 comments: 0

Video of an endoscopic septoplasty for treating a deviated nasal septum.  

Endoscopic Septoplasty for Deviation of the Nasal...

views: 4207 comments: 0

This a demonstration of the standardized technique for endoscopic septoplasties with captions! 

Extra-Corpreal Septo-Rhinoplasty

views: 2149 comments: 0

Basic concepts of extracorporeal seotorhinoplasty.

Septoplasty - Endoscopy

views: 28762 comments: 1

The video displays an instructed demonstration of endoscopic septoplasty.

Nasal Septal Spur - Endoscopic Removal

views: 28438 comments: 0

The video presents an endoscopic removal of a nasal septal spur.

Posterior Nasal Septal Cholesterol Cyst - Endoscopic...

views: 10612 comments: 0

The video presents an endoscopic surgery - removal of a cholesterol cyst localized on the posterior nasal septum.

Perforation of A Nasal Septum [Hole in The Nasal...

views: 11501 comments: 0

In this video we can see a small perforation (hole) involving the anterior (front part) of nasal septum [cartilaginous part of nasal cavity partition].

Little's Area Abnormal Vessels - Nose Bleeding

views: 10355 comments: 0

The epistaxis (a nose bleeding) can be an alarming presenting symptom. In the case of children, most of the bleedings come from abnormal vessels of Little's area, which are located at nasal septum (partition)...

Nasal Cavity Partition

views: 7912 comments: 0

A significant nasal septum deviation is presented in this clip. It co-exists with allergy rhinitis. Stenosis of the nasal valve area had been caused by the convex surface to the right. The compensative...

Nasal septum deviation - DNS

views: 13859 comments: 0

Cartilaginous deviated nasal septum deviation (deformed nasal partition) is a condition which typical endoscopic findings could be noticed - obstruction of the nasal cavity on the convex side (because...

Nasal septum deviation With Septal Spur

views: 40129 comments: 0

Significant nasal septum deviation (DNS) may be complicated by epistaxis, crusting and sinusitis. After watching this video you will be able to identify deviated nasal septum. This video presents a deviated...

Submucous Resection Of The Nasal Septum

views: 19756 comments: 0

This video presents submucous resection of the nasal septum.

Submucosal Resection Of Septum

views: 12159 comments: 0

In this video you can see submucosal resection of septum.

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