
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Laparoscopic Repair of a Symptomatic Post Cesarean...

Nabil Moulay

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 6649 comments: 1

Good reproductive outcomes have been reported after hysteroscopic treatment of uterine isthmocele. However, laparoscopy has the advantage over hysteroscopy of allowing thorough repair of the uterine defect,...

Microhysteroscopy - Tips & Tricks in Stenosis...

views: 2230 comments: 4

I present to you tips and tricks in stenosis of the external opening of the cervical canal. The microhysteroscopy procedure is performed under local anesthesia (hysteroblock). The patient is awake and...

Microhysteroscopy. Double Uterus. Resection of...

views: 4213 comments: 2

The film introduces a case report of 84-year old lady, who was referred to hospital for hysterectomy. I performed microhysteroscopy and protected the patient from large surgery. What is interesting, the...

Endometrial Polyp by Office Hysteroscopy. Cause...

views: 3692 comments: 0

A beautiful endometrial polyp that occupies almost the entire uterine cavity. The secile base is located in the uterine fundus. Office Hysteroscopy.   

Hysteroscopic Resection of Fibroid

views: 5685 comments: 0

Surgical video case: removal of a type 1 submucosal fibroid. Note the right plan of dissection to ensure complete removal of a fibroid. Bioplar resectoscope was used. Fluid deficit was in limits and blood...

Hysteroscopy Cold Knife Evacuation of Scar Ectopic...

Divyesh Shukla

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 7795 comments: 0

We will soon publish our data. Hysteroscopic cold knife evacuation of scar ectopic pregnancy can ensure complete evacuation of products. The procedure is by using 22 fr bipolar resectoscope. Preoperative...

Hysteroscopic Adhesiolysis

views: 2883 comments: 0

Video case: secondry infertility with history of second trimster abortion.

Hysteroscopic Resection on Complete Intrauterine...

Divyesh Shukla

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 5247 comments: 0

Hysteroscopic septal resection is demonstrated using hysteromat, saline and bipolar 22 fr resectoscope. The same bipolar loop is used for haemostasis. Pre operative 3D USG should give you information...

Isthmocele: Hysteroscopic Transillumination to...

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 2687 comments: 0

Hysteroscopic transillumination to find boundaries of isthmocele.

Rudimentary Horn/ Endometriosis / Chocolate Cyst

views: 4163 comments: 0

A case of left rudimentary non communicating horn with active endometrium lead to hematosalpinx with perforation and chocolate peritonitis.

Metroplasty after Genital Tuberculosis with the...

Nabil Moulay

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 4435 comments: 0

This video made by doctor Moulay nabil (www.drmoulaynabil.com) gynecologist in Morrocco shows an hysteroscopic metroplasty with the "Delmont Resecare" 6 mm bipolar miniresectoscope .This endoscopic...

Intrauterine Pregnancy with a Large Fibroid

views: 6377 comments: 5

Hysteroscopy performed on a lady with a 26 gestational size weeks uteurs and a 16 x8 cm fibroid with an intrauterine pregnancy.

Office Hysteroscopy for Beginners

views: 6874 comments: 0

This is a webinar topic I did recently as to how to set up an office hysteroscopy service in your clinic.

Complete Uterine Septum

ahmad hamdan

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 6256 comments: 0

20 yo female with primary infertility for 2 years, hysteroscopic metroplasty with second look hysteroscopy nice result seen.

Dr Modi's Hysteroscopy Basics & Instruments...

Rajesh Modi

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 8741 comments: 0

Dr Modi's Hysteroscopy Seminar 2nd August Sunday 11am -12pm How to learn hysteroscopy? Interactive session with your queries answered.. Hysteroscopy - How to set up, basic equipment and instruments. Hysteroscopic...

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