
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Rare Case of Genital Tuberculosis With Tubal...

Nabil Moulay

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 348 comments: 2

This video shows a laparoscopy for primary infertility with a are case of genital tuberculosis with tubal patency.

Laparoscopic Opening of Left Fallopian Tube Obstruction

views: 9316 comments: 0

Laparoscopic opening of left fallopian tube obstruction through mechanical dilatation of the tube and pressure of Methylene blue dye injected through her cervix.

Hysteroscopic Adhesiolysis

views: 2882 comments: 0

Video case: secondry infertility with history of second trimster abortion.

Laparoscopic Management of Posterior Intramural...

Dr R K Mishra

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 4228 comments: 1

This video demonstrates laparoscopic management of posterior intramural fibroid (performed by Dr. R K Mishra at World Laparoscopy Hospital). Uterine fibroids (also known as leiomyomas or myomas) are the...

RT Ovarian Cyst - 36 Wks Size

views: 4801 comments: 5

Video case: very large ovarian cyst and ovary preserved, age of patient is 22 yr nulligravida.

Posterior Compartment Peritonectomy for Endometriosis...

views: 5341 comments: 0

Material intended for medical education on endometriosis and pelvic anatomy. Igor Chiminacio MD, MIGS, describes the technique of resection of the peritoneum of the posterior compartment of the pelvis...

Deep Parametrium Endometriosis and Diffuse Peritoneal...

views: 4837 comments: 0

36yo woman with chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia and infertility, had totally improve of symptoms and spontaneous pregnancy 6 months after procedure. Igor Chiminacio MD (Brazil), describes the peritoneal...

Fastest and Safest Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

views: 6642 comments: 8

This patient had LVF (left ventricular dysfunction - ejection fraction is only 22 % and gr-4 risk of anesthesia, so no one is ready to performed surgery due to 60 to 90 min of Laparoscopy hysterectomy...

Lap Uterolysis - Part 1

Divyesh Shukla

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 9613 comments: 0

Increasing cesarean section increases chance of adhesions of anterior wall of the uterus in midline with lower anterior abdominal wall. Using ultrasound dissector the adhesions are separated. The final...

Fertility Enhancing Surgery

views: 4763 comments: 0

This is a case of recurrent implantation failed case. She had frozen abdomen and bilateral hydrosalpinx do to tuberculosis lead to 6 time IVF failed and 2 time failed attempt of laparoscopy. We did complete...

Rudimentary Horn/ Endometriosis / Chocolate Cyst

views: 4150 comments: 0

A case of left rudimentary non communicating horn with active endometrium lead to hematosalpinx with perforation and chocolate peritonitis.

Endometriosis - TLH

views: 4274 comments: 0

Video: grade 4 endometriosis with frozen pelvis. Pan hysterectomy with recto vaginal and omentum nodules excision.

Ovum Pick Up - Very Safe Technique

views: 5205 comments: 2

OPU is most important stapes in IVF.

Infertility Endometriosis Surgery

views: 6263 comments: 0

Infertility surgery in patients with endometriosis has been accepted as a way to promote good spontaneous pregnancy results. This video shows the step-by-step of this surgery that aims to complete the...

Adult Consequences of Testicular Dysgenesis Syndrome

views: 3746 comments: 0

Symptoms of testicular (TDS) syndrome include some (but not necessarily all) of these symptoms: testicular cancer, decreased spermatogenesis, hypospadias and undescended testis. The precursor of testicular...

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