uterine septum

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Complete Uterine Septum

ahmad hamdan

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 6222 comments: 0

20 yo female with primary infertility for 2 years, hysteroscopic metroplasty with second look hysteroscopy nice result seen.

Complication in a Outpatient Septoplasty


Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 4546 comments: 1

34 year old woman with septate uterus. Personal history: Miscarriage later 26 weeks of gestation. A resection of uterine wall, occupying 2/3 of the cavity was performed with outpatient hysteroscopy. After...

Combined Hysteroscopic/ Laparoscopic Management...

James Kondrup

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 5722 comments: 0

This is the 2011 AAGL award winning video in Hysteroscopy. The video describes the combined hysteroscopic/ Laparoscopic rection of a complete uterine septum causing a large hematocolpos. Excellent example...

Diagnosing and Treating Repeated Miscarriages...

Mounir El-Hao

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 7315 comments: 0

After many miscarriages, the patient has been diagnosed. The cause was found by hysterography, hysteroscopy and 3D USG (septum of the uterus). The condition was treated by excision of the septum by hysteroscopy.

Resection of Patological Septum by Use of Hysteroscopy

Paul P.G

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 9398 comments: 0

The treatment for congenital uterine septum is performed. Septum will be removed by hysteroscopy.

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