
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Surgical Technique for TachoSil® Use in Robotic...

views: 616 comments: 0

Surgical technique on a patient presented with a solitary colorectal liver metastasis with diameter of 8 cm in the left hemiliver. The tumor was impinging on the left hepatic vein, the middle hepatic...

Laparoscopic Extended Right Hemicolectomy, Hepatic...

views: 3301 comments: 0

Modern laparoscopy was introduced into the world of abdominal surgery in the late 1980’s. Since then, laparoscopic colorectal surgery has quickly evolved and it has become the preferred surgical...

TachoSil for Sufficient Haemostasis and Sealing...

views: 1198 comments: 0

This combination of case presentation and intraoperative procedural video showcases TachoSil® application for hemostasis and sealing in a challanging double lung transplantation under ECMO from Leuven...

Hemostasis of Liver Bed in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

views: 3505 comments: 0

During laparoscopic cholecystectomy the most life threatening complication is haemorrhage. The well known methods to the achieve hemostasis from the gallbladder bed are; use of electro-cautery, (*brand...

Surgical Technique of TachoSil® Application for...

views: 926 comments: 0

Procedrual video of key surgical technique of a bariatric patient with BMI of 44 with challenging leakage and oozing along the staple line of the greater curvature. Task to improve complication rate for...

Surgical Technique for TachoSil® Use in Bariatric...

views: 771 comments: 0

Surgical technique on a bariatric patient with BMI of 49 with comorbidities. After gastric pouch creation, creation of biliopancreatic limb, jejunojejunostomy creation and creation of gastrojejunostomy,...

TachoSil® in Case of TAVI (Transcatheter Aortic...

views: 1619 comments: 0

Transapical transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) as a gentler treatment strategy than open surgery for the indication of an aortic valve replacement. Re-intervention procedure. Anterolateral...

TachoSil® After Replacement of Ascending Aorta...

views: 1412 comments: 0

Video procedure on pathologies of aortic arch with involvement of the ascending aorta, aortic arch and descending aorta treated in a one-stage procedure using the frozen elephant trunk technique. Elective...

The Use of TachoSil® for Final Haemostasis and...

views: 1122 comments: 0

Two different techniques of intra-fascial prostate cancer  treatment are explained step-by-step in RARP. Focus on potency recovery following radical prostatectomy remains a challenge due to its multifactorial...

Haemostatic and Sealing Applications of TachoSil®...

views: 1156 comments: 0

This video shows two cases with surgical technique and tips and tricks to apply hemostasis & sealant patches in coronary artery disease reoperation as well as challenging anastomosis between arch...

TachoSil® Application to Restore Dura Mater Loss...

views: 1854 comments: 0

Procedural video on left-sided meningioma removal surgery. Circular excision of the infilttrated dura mater and use of TachoSil® sealant matrix to restore the dura in a sandwich technique.

Using TachoSil® for Sealing Anastomoses During...

views: 757 comments: 0

Showcase of advanced ischemic heart disease. Revascularisation with 5 bypasses required bleeding management on cardiac venous bypass anastomosis performed with support of TachoSil. 

Hemostasis Strategy During Apical Surgery - Q&A

views: 1080 comments: 0

Dr. Nasseh answers a comment question about his strategy for hemostasis during the apicoectomy and retrofilling procedure.

Organ Sparing Surgery for a Tumor of the Sole...

views: 1587 comments: 0

Surgical video case: reoperation of tumor resection on inferior pole of remaining right kidney due to cell carcinoma. 33mm tumor protuding to kidney outline. Classsical open lumbar oblique technique....

Application of TachoSil® Sealant Matrix in Durotomy...

views: 2721 comments: 0

This video case shows management of postoperative leakage of cerebrospinal fluid into the surgical bed to avoid complications like post-puncture symptoms, wound infections, meningitis, etc. Key techniques...

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