ear canal

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Infiltration of the Ear Canal - Endoscopic Ear...

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Preparation of the ear canal is a very important step for EES. 

Ear Canal Preparation for Endoscopic Ear Surgery

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The preparation of the ear canal is fundamental when starting with endoscopic ear surgery, as bleeding while elevating the tympanomeatal flap can be very frustrating. We only use one infiltration point,...

Attic Cholesteatoma with CSF Otorrhoea

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An attic cholesteatoma is defined as an epidermoid cyst found in the attic. This is differentiated from an infected retraction pocket of the pars tensa or a retraction pocket cholesteatoma. CSF otorrhea...

Foreign Body in the Ear

views: 5547 comments: 0

Video presents removal of a foreign body from a child's ear.

Self-Extruded Grommet (Ventilation Tube) with...

views: 7680 comments: 0

In this video we can see grommet which is extruded into the ear canal admixed with an earwax. Because of a persistent middle ear effusion the eardrum appeared bulging. The explanation of the extrusion...

Otomycosis involving the left ear canal

views: 34458 comments: 0

The term, otomycosis refers to a superficial fungal infection of the ear canal/passage. The most common symptoms are: earache, itchiness, and discharge. During the examination a reddish ear canal can...

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