Arthroscopic Treatment of Greater Tuberosity...
This instructional video discusses arthroscopic treatment of greater tuberosity avulsion fractures. This cases study had a greater tuberosity fracture with 6 mm of displacement. After 4 months of non-operative...
Arthroscopic Superomedial Angle Resection | Snapping...
This case study shoulder surgeon Dr. Peter Millett demonstrates a technique for arthroscopic bursectomy and superior medial angle resection in a young patient with recalcitrant scapula thoracic bursitis...
Arthroscopic Sternoclavicular Joint Resection...
This video demonstration addresses arthroscopic sternoclavicular joint resection in a patient with sternoclavicular joint arthritis. The patient is positioned supine and the arthroscopic portals are placed....
Biportal Endoscopic Spinal Surgery (Arthroscopic...
Video of arthroscopic Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion using 30-degree arthroscopy
Comprehensive Arthroscopic Management Procedure...
This video discusses the Comprehensive Arthroscopic Management (CAM) Procedure as a shoulder osteoarthritis treatment. The CAM procedure is used in young or active patients with high functional demands...
Shoulder Anatomy | Axillary Nerve | Suprascapular...
This video provides a review of the shoulder anatomy and arthroscopic neuroanatomy of the shoulder and describes arthroscopic techniques for decompression. This video is divided into 4 chapters. Chapter...
Shoulder Dislocation | Arthroscopic Treatment...
Dr. Peter Millett discusses the process once the patient has been reduced after a shoulder dislocation. Imaging is initially inspected to find the degree of damage and then assess weather or not they...
What is a Rotator Cuff Repair? | Shoulder Arthroscopy...
In this video, Colorado shoulder surgeon Dr. Peter Millett addresses "What is a rotator cuff repair?" and demonstrates his preferred shoulder arthroscopy surgical approach. The goals of a rotator...
Treatment for Massive Rotator Cuff Tears | Superior...
In this video, Dr. Millett demonstrates a superior capsule reconstruction for the treatment of massive rotator cuff tears. The patient was a 68 year old female with a previously failed rotator cuff repair....
Meniscal Root Repair: Surgical Technique
Dr. Shane Blackmore presents the surgical technique of a meniscal root repair.
Snapping Scapula | Arthroscopic Treatment for...
Dr. Peter J. Millett is an orthopedic shoulder doctor and shoulder surgeon in Vail, Colorado. He is in private practice and is the director of shoulder surgery with The Steadman Clinic servicing the greater...
CAM Procedure | Shoulder Osteoarthritis Surgery...
Dr. Peter J. Millett is an orthopedic shoulder surgeon with the Steadman Clinic in Vail, CO and is the pioneer of the CAM procedure. The surgical technique of the CAM-procedure is explained in this short...
Arthroscopic Posterior Stabilization | Arthroscopic...
Dr. Peter Millett is a shoulder surgeon with the Steadman Clinic in Vail, CO. He specializes in all conditions of the shoulder including shoulder instability, which is one of the most common and debilitating...
Total Knee Replacement Surgery using Patient...
Repairing the Femur of the knee, arthroscopically assisted