
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Arthroscopic Anterior Labral Repair with Remplissage

views: 3613 comments: 0

Dr. Jazrawi demonstrates Arthroscopic Anterior Labral Repair with Remplissage in a 34 yo f with recurrent R shoulder instability and a recent dislocation after fall. Imaging shows glenoid bone loss and...

MPFL reconstruction for Patella dislocation

views: 6892 comments: 0

Medial Patello Femoral Ligament Reconstruction for Patella dislocation / malalignment - Dr Al Muderis technique.

Hip Arthroscopy Prep and Keyhole

views: 3494 comments: 0

The video shows a hip arthroscopy.

Ankle Arthroscopic Surgery

views: 7050 comments: 0

This video is an actual arthroscopic examination with resection of joint pathology (removal of damaged cartilage and bone).

ACL Reconstruction - basic steps


Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 5113 comments: 0

ACL reconstruction surgery with partial meniscal tear performed by Dr. Troy Layton with SportsMED Orthopaedic Surgery and Spine Center in Huntsville Alabama. Forty year old female patient with ACL tear...

Rotator Cuff Repair


Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 6981 comments: 0

Dr. Brett Franklin, Sportsmed Orthopaedic Surgery and Spine Center, Huntsville AL. Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery on a 51 year old female patient with symptoms of shoulder pain, shoulder stiffness and difficulty...

Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Meniscectomy vs Meniscus...


Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 7164 comments: 0

Dr. Eric Janssen of SportsMED Orthopaedic Surgery & Spine Center demonstrates the difference between a meniscectomy and a meniscus repair. Both were performed as arthroscopic knee surgery.

Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery Labral Repair


Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 8277 comments: 0

Dr. Eric Janssen of SportsMED Orthopaedic Surgery & Spine Center performs a shoulder arthroscopy to repair a torn labrum on a 22 year old male patient with a history of shoulder dislocation.

Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery

Vail Knee

Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 9279 comments: 0

Dr. Richard Cunningham, M.D. of Vail Summit Orthopaedics explains and performs a rotator cuff repair and biceps tenodesis surgery. The rotator cuff is actually a combination of muscles and tendons at...

Bankart and Slap Repair Shoulder

Mohamed Selim

Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 6236 comments: 0

Bankart and anterior slap lesion repair of shoulder through arthroscopy using labral scorpion needle and knotless pushlock anchors.

ACL All Inside and Meniscal Repair

Mohamed Selim

Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 5543 comments: 2

All inside arthroscopic anatomical ACL reconstruction and medial meniscus bucket handle tear repair.

Lateral Meniscus Transplant Surgical Technique

views: 7880 comments: 0

Surgical video of lateral meniscus transplant technique (biologic joint replacement) narrated by Dr. Kevin Stone. ‘Lateral meniscus replacement in the arthritic knee presents some unusual challenges....

Arthroscopic Partial Medial Meniscectomy

Chad Smalley

Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 8701 comments: 0

Chad Smalley, MD presents arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy. Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy is the treatment of choice for meniscal tears. The ultimate effect of meniscectomy on the joint has...

Large Arthroscopic Double Row Rotator Cuff Repair...

Chad Smalley

Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 11156 comments: 0

This is an educational video that demonstrates an arthroscopic repair of a large full thickness supraspinatus rotator cuff tear using a double row transosseous equivalent technique. Achieving a biomechanically...

Arthroscopic Microfracture Surgery - Medial Femoral...

Chad Smalley

Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 9162 comments: 0

Chad Smalley MD presents microfracture surgery of the medial femoral condyle (MFC). Microfracture, a modification of chondroplasty, might provide increase in joint space by growth of fibrocartilage and...

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