global health videos

Global Health Videos: Expand Your Knowledge and Impact Lives Around the World

Welcome to the Global Health video library on MEDtube, your dedicated resource for advancing your understanding of health challenges and solutions on a global scale. Our curated collection of videos, created by doctors for doctors, provides valuable insights into the most pressing issues in global health. Deepen your knowledge with examples of the most commonly performed procedures, explore challenging cases, and stay informed about the latest developments in global health initiatives.

What is Specialization?

Specialization in medicine refers to the focused expertise of a physician within a particular area of medical practice. This concentrated knowledge allows doctors to develop advanced skills and provide the highest quality care for specific patient needs.

Specialization in Modern Medicine

Modern medicine is constantly evolving. New technologies, treatments, and approaches to healthcare emerge regularly. Specialization allows physicians to remain at the forefront of these advancements within their chosen field. This ensures that patients receive the most up-to-date and effective care possible.

MEDtube: A Collaborative Platform for Medical Professionals

MEDtube is a dedicated online platform exclusively for healthcare professionals, including doctors and medical students. We provide a secure and collaborative environment for sharing medical knowledge and expertise. By creating a free account, you gain access to a vast collection of medical videos, including our comprehensive Global Health library.

Benefits of Joining MEDtube:

  • Access a wide range of global health videos: Explore surgical procedures, training courses, lectures, and real-world medical case studies from experts in global health.

  • Engage in discussions: Share your insights, ask questions, and contribute to the medical community through our commenting feature.

  • Expand your network: Connect with colleagues who share your interests in global health.

  • Contribute to the platform: Upload your own videos and contribute to the growing collection of valuable medical resources.

Join MEDtube today and become part of a thriving community of medical professionals dedicated to improving health outcomes worldwide.

Global Health: A Collaborative Effort

Global health encompasses the health and well-being of all people, regardless of their geographic location. It involves addressing health challenges that transcend national borders and require collaborative efforts from health workers, organizations, and governments worldwide.

Health Workers: The Frontline of Global Health

Health workers play a crucial role in delivering essential healthcare services and improving health outcomes in communities around the world. Their dedication and expertise are vital in addressing health disparities and promoting health equity.

Health Outcomes: Measuring the Impact

Health outcomes are the ultimate measure of the effectiveness of global health initiatives. By tracking and analyzing health data, we can assess the impact of interventions and identify areas where further efforts are needed.

Global Health Videos: Making a Difference

Released Our Newest Animation: The Story of Sugar

The Story of Sugar developed in collaboration with leading experts, this animation provides a compelling overview of the global impact of sugar consumption on health.

Live Action Teaching Videos

Our series of teaching videos features live action footage of medical procedures, providing valuable insights into best practices and techniques.

Following the Recent Release of Our Complete Diabetes Series in English

We are proud to announce the release of our complete diabetes series in English. This comprehensive series of teaching videos covers all aspects of diabetes care, from prevention and diagnosis to management and treatment.

Videos Make a Difference

Please support our work help us create more films. Your support will help us continue to produce high-quality educational videos that can help improve lives around the world.

Viewing Our Films Gave Everyone Viewing Our Films the Chance to Learn

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn about global health issues. Our videos are designed to be accessible and engaging for a wide audience.

Support Our Work Help Us Create More Films

We are committed to producing more videos that can help save lives. Your support will help us reach more people and make a greater impact on global health.

Work Help Us Create Our Next Series of Teaching Videos

We are already planning our next series of teaching videos. Your support will help us bring these videos to life and share them with the global health community.

Video to Save Lives

Our goal is to create videos that can help save lives. We believe that education is key to improving health outcomes around the world.


The Global Health video library on MEDtube provides a valuable resource for healthcare professionals seeking to expand their knowledge and contribute to improving health outcomes worldwide. Join our community today and become part of a global network dedicated to advancing healthcare.

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Leveraging Meaningful Research in Public Health...

views: 204 comments: 0

Dr. Erkeda DeRouen talks to Dr. Marissa Robinson, the initiative coordinator for Ending the HIV Epidemic under the U.S. Department of Health. They talk about how each person can make an impact on public...

Stress in Dentistry - Life Changing Decisions...

Jaz Gulati

Specialty:  Global Health
views: 19 comments: 0

THIS is the most impactful interview podcast I have published in almost 6 years of podcasting. In this episode, Stress in Dentistry 2024 - Life Changing Decision. Do you resent bringing your work home...

Mental Health In Dentistry - PDP185

Jaz Gulati

Specialty:  Global Health
views: 810 comments: 0

We need to talk about the ‘S’ word and our mental health. I never, EVER want to lose a colleague again due to the pressures within Dentistry. This is why I interviewed Dr Mahrukh Khwaja, a...

PD 27 - Unlocking Digital and AI Technologies...

views: 2379 comments: 1

As we have seen with financial payments and credit, the digital transformation of the health sector can be key to including the poorest and the most vulnerable into inclusive, affordable national health...

Dentistry is Killing us - Health is Wealth

Jaz Gulati

Specialty:  Global Health
views: 1646 comments: 0

In this episode with Dr. Rohan Verma, we talked about how we can recognize that something’s not working for our health - and what steps we can take to improve our health. Dr Rohan Verma - Dentist...

Affordable Medical Technology for Use in Low...

views: 1548 comments: 0

Presentation title: "Affordable Medical Technology to Use in Low Income Countries.". Author: Jenny Dankelman. This video was recorded during SMIT 2022 meeting in Oslo (May 2022). Produced by...

WS 13 - Are Countries Ready for the Next Pandemic?

views: 2304 comments: 0

The COVID-19 crisis has revealed suboptimal levels of country response, resulting in huge impact on individuals, communities, societies and economies. The Economist Impact has completed a research project,...

Record Keeping and Emotional Intelligence – PDP112

Jaz Gulati

Specialty:  Global Health
views: 1517 comments: 0

In this episode, Dr. Shaun Selllars and Dr. Zak Kara sit down for a conversation about all things record-keeping and emotional intelligence 13:36 Emotional Intelligence and Dentistry 23:56 How to Connect...

PD 11 - Strengthening Universal Health Coverage

views: 1829 comments: 0

We are only a decade away from meeting the targets outlined in SDG 3 - in particular, Universal Health Coverage. At a global level, UHC index has improved from 45.8 in 1990 to 60.3 in 2019, but the achievement...

KEY 06 - WHO Council on the Economics of Health...

views: 1779 comments: 0

Global Health needs new economic thinking – a proactive Health for All economic agenda, to shape our economies so they truly have wellbeing and inclusion at the center of how we create value, measure...

PD 28 - Vaccine Policy for Health Equity

views: 1882 comments: 0

The accelerated development and deployment of novel vaccines against COVID-19 made it possible to offer vaccination against this pandemic for virtually everybody in high income countries one year after...

KEY 05 - The Role of the European Union in Global...

views: 1576 comments: 0

The initiatives to create a European Health Union entail an important political opportunity to strengthen the global health role of the EU. The EU’s internal legal and political capacity for health immediately...

WS 20 - G7: New Presidency - New Initiative?

views: 1487 comments: 0

In the declarations of the “G-formats”, member states have shown a tendency to come up with new initiatives tackling (among others) issues related to global health outside of the UN system, such as the...

D 13 - Investing in Women and Resilient Health...

views: 1641 comments: 0

Sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn and adolescent health (SRMNAH) is an essential component of the Sustainable Development Goals. Improving SRMNAH requires increased commitment to, and investment...

WS 19 - Pettenkofer Talks: How to Build a Career...

views: 1308 comments: 0

With Pettenkofer Talks, we would like to point out and make attractive possible career paths and professions to interdisciplinary young professionals in the field of Global Public Health through an interactive,...

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