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Singh Technique of Lateral Rectus Plication,...

views: 3813 comments: 1

The basics of Singh technique are: Preservation of the edges of the muscle, so that there is no chance of misalignment ever. This is especially useful in cases of phorias. Second, no suture is passed...

Recession of Superior Rectus Using Fugo Plasma...

views: 1674 comments: 0

In this Singh recession, the muscle is not detached from its insertion. A block the muscle is removed without removing the muscle fibres at the edges. This weakens the muscle. The surgery is bloodless....

Microtrack Filtration of Singh

views: 1637 comments: 0

Microtrack filtration is the simplest way to create a filtration track. It is suitable for a large number of glaucoma cases. Even though very simple looking, it needs accuracy and control to do.The technique...

Repeated Transciliary Filtration

views: 5225 comments: 0

The video shows the transciliary filtration reperformed with a use of Fugo blade.First of all the conjunctiva is pushed towards the corneal limbus. Then a 300 micron Fugo blade tip is passed through the...

Pseudophakic Eye With Glaucoma - Microtrack Filtration

views: 4735 comments: 0

The footage presents the procedure performed on a pseudophakic eye (PCIOL) with glaucoma. Intraocular pressure was 42 and the anterior chamber deep. In order to create a Transconjunctival Microtrack into...

Neovascular Glaucoma - TCF With Fugo Blade

views: 5208 comments: 0

The video shows a neovascular glaucoma surgery - transciliary filtration (TCF).Because the operation is performed on a painful eye and IOP is over 50mm, the procedure has to be the least traumatic. A...

Failed Glaucoma Surgery - Re-Surgery

views: 5028 comments: 0

The video shows a re-surgery of TCTCF. The first track was made at 12 o'clock and it failed. Another one was created with Fugo blade in the adjacent area. We can observe the cavitation bubble appearing...

Absolute Glaucoma & Non-healing Corneal Ulcer...

views: 5649 comments: 0

The footage displays the transciliary filtration procedure. The patient presented with a 4-month history of non-healing ulcer and severe pain due to absolute glaucoma and high intraocular pressure. TCF...

Transciliary Filtration - Year 2004

views: 4930 comments: 1

The film displays the technique of Singh transciliary filtration. First comes the detachment of conjunctiva from the corneal limbus. Next the surgeon makes a scleral pit in proximity of 1 mm to the limbus...

Traumatic Glaucoma & Uveitis - Microtrack Filtration

views: 4966 comments: 0

The film shows how a medically uncontrolled traumatic glaucoma and uveitis are treated by a simple procedure of Singh Microtrack filtration. A 100 micron Fugo blade tip is used. At the end a deposit of...

Singh Filtration Technique

views: 5372 comments: 0

The film displays the technique of transconjuctival transciliary filtration. The Fugo blade tip can measure 300,500 or 600 microns. The surgeon creates the track little by little and shot by shot with...

Buphthalmos - Microtrack Filtration

views: 4539 comments: 0

The video displays a Singh Microtack filtration of the anterior chamber of the eye. Mitomycin C 0,01% is injected under the conjunctiva through a 100 micron Fugo blade puncture. The filtration is performed...

Plasma Ablation Capsulotomy - Fugo Blade Or Femtosecond...

views: 6106 comments: 0

The video shows unique capabilities of plasma ablation capsulotomy for cataract, peformed with the Fugo blade. After US FDA approved of the femtosecond laser, a renewed interest in plasma ablation surgery...

Neovascular Glaucoma - Singh Filtration

views: 4814 comments: 0

The video presents the procedure of transconjuctival transciliary filtration (TCTCF) of the posterior chamber of the eye. The track is created with use of Fugo blade - 500 micron tip, high energy. We...

Dermoid of The Corneal Limbus - Ablation

views: 6424 comments: 0

The video presents the ablation of a large dermoid, localized on the lower corneal limbus. The operator removes the dermoid almost completely with use of Fugo plasma blade. Burning and charring of the...

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