
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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ADAM simulator- kidney stone removal

Marcos Lyra

Specialty:  Urology
views: 17942 comments: 0

The video shows endotrainer ADAM which was designed for training of stone removal, uretheroscopy and nefroscopy with endoscopes or laser. Organs are made of neoderma.

ADAM simulator- nefroscopy

Marcos Lyra

Specialty:  Urology
views: 6586 comments: 0

The video presents endotrainer ADAM in which artificial organs made of neoderma allow for rigid or flexible endoscopy, stone and tumor removal or laser treatment.

SILS cholecystectomy

views: 16019 comments: 0

The video presents cholecystectomy with using SILS method.

SILS method in appendectomy

views: 36897 comments: 0

The video presents appendix removal using single incision laparoscopic surgery.

Cholecystectomy video

views: 55245 comments: 1

The video presents cholecystectomy, which is a procedure of the gallbladder removal.

Splenectomy video

views: 20206 comments: 0

The video presents splenectomy which is a procedure of spleen removal.

Mesh replacement in incisional hernia repair

views: 8990 comments: 0

The video presents the removal and replacement of an infected abdominal prosthetic mesh.

Carotid Body tumor

views: 26481 comments: 0

Despite the frequent appearance in literature, these tumors are rather uncommon. Carotid body tumor is the second most frequent nonchromaffin paraganglioma (after the glomus jugulare tumor). It has been...

Conjunctival autograft- excision of pterygium

views: 14861 comments: 0

The video shows the method of pterygium removal by conjunctival autografting. The technique is effective and not difficult.

Conjunctival autograft with fibrin glue

views: 7537 comments: 0

The video presents surgical pterygium removal by conjunctival autograft in which fibrin glue was used.

Nasal Septal Spur - Endoscopic Removal

views: 28325 comments: 0

The video presents an endoscopic removal of a nasal septal spur.

Ureteric Stone - Removal

Nikos Bafaloukas

Specialty:  Urology
views: 6894 comments: 0

The video presents an extraction of proximally located ureteric stone. A standard nitinol basket is utilized to trap the stone. Then the operator pulls the stone through the distal ureter.

Good endo poorly done

views: 2360 comments: 0

Endodontic surgical video presenting good endo poorly done.

Splenectomy - Giant Spleen - 5.5 kg

views: 12730 comments: 0

This film will teach you how to remove giant spleen.

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