
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Removal of Benign Patella Lesion

views: 3021 comments: 0

In this video, Dr Al Muderis takes you through the operation to remove a benign lesion from a patella

Ingrown Toenail Surgery - Permanent Removal

views: 13809 comments: 0

This is a video of an ingrown toenail surgery performed by Dr Robert J Moore III. After numbing the toe, the edges are removed to give the best cosmetic result and a chemical is applied to prevent them...

Hand Foreign Body Removal - Ultrasound Guided

views: 5519 comments: 1

Doctor Gregory J.Yanish presents a surgery of removing a foreign body from a patient's hand, with the guide of an ultrasound. The author walks us through the whole procedure and gives a detailed comment.

Toe Nail Removal

Specialty:  General Surgery
views: 6975 comments: 1

This video shows toe nail removal. Video by Dr Walter Warren

Removal of Large Ameloblastoma of Mandible

views: 7244 comments: 0

Pre-operative clinical interview, examination with patient who had cyst removed then developed ameloblastoma of mandible. Post operative examinations are also shown. Orig. air date: JAN 22 75 This is...

Endoscopic Loop to Aid in Pedunculated Polyp...

views: 4952 comments: 2

Video presents an use of an endoscopic loop (Polyloop, Olympus America) to aid in removal of a large pedunculated polyp. Polyp histology was carcinoma-in-situ.

How to remove a dental implant - 3 cases

views: 4306 comments: 0

Dr Scott MacLean shows how to remove a fully integrated implant by showing three different cases. Video by Dr Scott MacLean

Rectum - EMR Scar

views: 9888 comments: 0

Video presents a case of middle aged man who underwent EMR of a large rectal polyp. Post procedure, on day 5, there was bleeding from the EMR site, which stopped on its own. Followup colonoscopy at 6...

Arthroscopic View of Distal Radius Articular...

views: 5366 comments: 0

Dr. Alejandro Badia presents Arthroscopic View of Distal Radius Articular Fracture. Distal radius fractures are a common injury, particularly in the elderly population. Severity of these fractures is...

Giant Osteoma of Ethmoid, Maxilla and Sphenoid...

views: 11648 comments: 0

A very rare case of giant osteoma of all the sinuses is presented. An endoscopic removal was performed.

Foreign Body in the Ear

views: 5544 comments: 0

Video presents removal of a foreign body from a child's ear.

Clip Closure Technique of a Large Transverse...

views: 3332 comments: 0

This particular video presents an unedited clip to show the details of clip closure of a large transverse defect after removal of a large polyp in the transverse colon.

Flat Lesion in Cecum - Difficulties in EMR

views: 4329 comments: 0

Video presents a case of lderly woman wo underwent partial resection of cecal polyp - referred for EMR. Deferred resection for 4 months until she underwent lung cancer resection followed by chemotherapy....

VATS thymoma removal

views: 18399 comments: 0

The video presents thymoma removal using thoracoscopy.

Dental Crown Removal - "A" Point Improvisation

views: 19653 comments: 1

There are many toysto remove a crown - however - often, we have to section a crown in half, and then use something to "break the cement seal". Of course, we don't have anything that can apply any kind...

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