Balloon Removal (2 of 14)
The present example in this endoscopic sequence it is appraised the extraction of this balloon that is deteriorated and the comparison with previous endoscopic sequence that is almost intact globe...
Balloon Removal (1 of 14)
The air filled balloon that is the one that we used, This made up of three layers the external one is of silicone and two internal are made of polyurethane, which are quite resistant to gastric acids....
Endoscopic Balloon Removal (7 of 9)
Continuous traction is maintained, we used a dilution of two buscopax diluted in 250 cc of solution which aid to relax the gastroesophagic sphincter.
Endoscopic Balloon Removal (6 of 9)
In order to extract the globe effectively a consistent traction should be maintained while going through the inferior gastro esophageal sphincter, when you reach the upper esophageal sphincter you...
Endoscopic Balloon Removal (5 of 9)
Once the globe is completely deflated the extraction technique will be accomplished using a special grasping forceps to extract the intragastric globe from the stomach
Endoscopic Balloon Removal (3 of 9)
The globe is deflated using a deflation needle which is used to perforate the Intra gastric globe in the stomach and to remove all the air from the globe via aspiration. In this video clip it observed...
Endoscopic Balloon Removal (2 of 9)
A special needle is inserted though the endoscope to deflate the IGB. Once it is fully deflated it is grasped with specially designed forceps and removed via the mouth. The balloon is punctured using...
Endoscopic Balloon Removal (1 of 9)
The balloon is safely removed under exact endoscopic control after 6 months, we advise to be removed no more than 7 months due to a fact that the material that has been manufactured lost consistency...
Pedunculated Hemangioma - Fugo Blade Cut
The footage presents a removal of pedunculated hemangioma of the lower conjunctival fornix. Fugo blade is utilized.
Vascular tumor of retina management
The video presents Fugo blade in the management of a vascular tumor of retina.
Botox bladder injection - urological simulator
The video presents urologic simulator for training of cystoscopy, botox injection , tumor removal, ureteroscopy and stone removal.