
Adenocarcinoma adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy Histopathology hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case TUMOR ulcer varices
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Multiple Rectal Ulcers (55 of 110)

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The cut of the surgical piece begins. Surgical intervention with colectomy is indicated in patients who are intractable to medical therapy and for those with massive hemorrhage, colonic perforation,...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (54 of 110)

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Gross Description: Colon of 95 cm with 8 cm of diameter at the level of the cecum, 6 cm. in the transverse and descending colon 5 cm. in their averages diameters. At the level of transverse mesocolon...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (50 of 110)

views: 2477 comments: 0

Suturing to be avoided major contamination during the surgery.

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (49 of 110)

views: 2403 comments: 0

Image and video clip where is observed the perforation in the transverse colon Perforation and toxic megacolon are the most dreaded complications of UC. Perforation can occur in the presence of fulminating...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (48 of 110)

views: 2234 comments: 0

Although many CT findings in ulcerative colitis are striking, they are not considered specific. Some features do suggest a diagnosis of IBD, and specific features may indicate a single diagnosis of...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (47 of 110)

views: 2341 comments: 0

Video Endoscopic Sequence

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (25 of 110)

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Rectal ulcers, the colonoscope has returned to the rectum

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (24 of 110)

views: 2378 comments: 0

Endoscopic Appearance of Severe Ulcerative Colitis Localized giant pseudopolyposis is seen in both UC and Crohn’s disease. Pseudopolyps are formed by ulceration, which undermines the muscularis mucosae...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (23 of 110)

views: 2420 comments: 0

Pseudopolyps are knobby, bulging areas of mucosa resulting from necrosis. They occur as multiple polyps and can be several centimeters long. They often have a soft, whitish surface, though sometimes...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (22 of 110)

views: 2456 comments: 0

Extensive Ulceration with Pseudopolyposis

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (21 of 110)

views: 2369 comments: 0

Colonoscopy of Severe Ulcerative Colitis Pseudopolyposis is a frequent sequela of ulcerative colitis (UC), pseudopolyposis may grow to a very large size, producing a mass-like appearance called localized...

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