optic nerve

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Cranial Nerve 2

UCD Medicine

Specialty:  Neurology
views: 4474 comments: 1

The video shows basic information about 2nd cranial nerve and the way of it's examination. By prof. Niall Tubridy.

Optic Nerve Glioma

Specialty:  Neurosurgery
views: 6063 comments: 0

This video shows Left Cranio-orbito-zygomatic approach for resection of optic nerve glioma in a pediatric patient by Dr Badih A Adada, American University of Beirut.

Primary Brain Tumor And Homonymous Hemianopsia...

Specialty:  Radiology
views: 9450 comments: 0

This video presents head MRI with contrast enhancement in a patient presenting right homonymous hemianopsia with normal carotid duplex. Technique: multiplanar, multisequence MR images of the brain without...

Brain Aneurysm - Internal Carotid Artery Bifurcation...

views: 9801 comments: 0

These are posterior circulation aneurysms, making 20% of intra cranial aneurysms, highly challenging surgically with high mortality and morbidity. This lady 62 yrs presented with sudden sever headache...

Skull Base Tumor - Dorsum Sella Meningioma -...

views: 7831 comments: 0

These are benign tumors. In the skull, slow growing. Originate from meninges can occur any where in the skull. When they occur in above said region they press on optic nerves and lead to progressive visual...

Brain Tumor - Cranio Pharyngioma - Microsurgery...

views: 7156 comments: 0

These are developmental tumors start by birth and slowly grow in size. These are situated around sella turcica, optic chiasma, hypothalamus. They originate from cranio-pharyngeal remnant. They present...

Brain Aneurysm - Posterior Communicating Aretry...

views: 6581 comments: 0

These are congenital out pouchings in weak wall of blood vessel. Circle of willis, 4% of normal population has these aneurysms and in them 20% are multiple. They present with sub arachnoid haemorrhage,...

Brain Aneurysm - Anterior Communicating Artery...

views: 7054 comments: 0

These aneurysms are one of the most common sites of brain aneurysms.they commonly present with subarachnoid haemorrhage, head ache, vomiting,altered sensorium,microsurgical obliteration is treatment of...

Olfactory groove meningioma-microsurgical excision

views: 5567 comments: 0

These are benign neoplasms, originate any part of skull inside, these originate from anterior skull base, olfactory groove, present with head ache, seizures, visual complaints, abnormal behaviour, loss...

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