minimally invasive surgery
Robotic Unroofing (Marsupualization) of Non Hydatid...
Surgical video case: non-parasitic symptomatic simple hepatic cysts are addressed by minimally invasive surgery. Fenestration (Marsupialization) is the technique of choice, advanced articulated sealing...
How to Avoid Bowel Injury During vNOTES Operation
This video showcases a vNOTES (Vaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery) hysterectomy performed on a high-risk patient with a history of: 3 prior cesarean sections.2 laparotomies. BMI of...
Tenex FAST Procedure Surgery for Lateral Elbow...
Dr. Alejandro Badia presents Tenex FAST ( Focused Aspiration of Scar Tissue) Procedure Surgery for Lateral Elbow Tendionopathy - Fasciotomy and Surgical Tenotomy procedure. FAST is a minimally invasive...
Wrist Arthroscopy - Repair of Cartilage
Dr. Alejandro Badia presents wrist arthroscopy with repair of cartilage. This video illustrates an arthroscopic repair of a torn triangular fibrocartilage which is a structure similar to the knee meniscus...
TachoSil for Better Haemostasis and Suture Support...
Procedural video to demonstrate how TachoSil can contribute to reach secondary hemostasis and sealing to manage bleeding after minimally invasive myoma enuleation.
Microhysteroscopy - Tips & Tricks in Stenosis...
I present to you tips and tricks in stenosis of the external opening of the cervical canal. The microhysteroscopy procedure is performed under local anesthesia (hysteroblock). The patient is awake and...
TachoSil® in Case of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy...
Laparoscopy video case: MIS approach with pre-rolled TachoSil® to prevent from post-resection diffuse bleeding after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Thoraco-Lap Esophagectomy - Thoracic Part 2
Surgical video case: dissection along the right recurrent laryngeal nerve is a complex procedure that requires good skill. This video shows part 2 of the thoracic procedure in MIS esophagectomy.
Personalized Robotic Surgery - Laparoscopic and...
Presentation title: "Personalized Robotic Surgery - Laparoscopic and Robotic Right Hemicolectomy". Author: Dejan Ignjatovic. This video was recorded during SMIT 2022 meeting in Oslo (May 2022)....
Construction and Pre-Clinical Study of a Folding...
Presentation title: "Construction and Pre-Clinical Study of a Folding Magnetic Anastomosis Device for Minimally Invasive Surgery". Author: T. H. Fass. This video was recorded during SMIT 2022...
Simultaneous Laparoscopic Right Adrenalectomy...
Here we present the case of a simultaneus laparoscopic right adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma and right renal tumorectomy. CT, MRI and patient positioning are at the beginning of the video.
Total Laparoscopic Pancreatoduodenectomy (Whipple)...
A 65-year-old female patient diagnosed with ampullary cancer. The video shows the technique of the resection as well as three intracorporeal anastomoses. All anastomoses are patent and the patient is...
Lap Lymphadenectommy for Right Colon Caner
This video shows lap lymph node dissection for right colon cancer using lap articulating instruments.
Global Surgery Keynote ICHAMS 2022
ICHAMS 2022 Global Surgery Keynote speach featuring Dr. Maija Cheung, the Global Lead for Surgery for KidsOR, and assistant professor in surgery in the Division of Bariatrics and Minimally Invasive...
Versius in the OR
Transforming Surgery. For Good. The Versius® Surgical Robotic System is CE marked according to EC Directive 93/42/EEC (the MDD) and is intended to assist in the accurate control of its surgical endoscopic...