Ashraf Atia Dwidar

Ashraf Atia Dwidar

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Dr Ashraf Atia Dewidar, MD - Tanta University Hospital, Egypt. MRCOG Obstetric and Gynaecology. Having interest in the field of endoscopy, infertility and urogynaecology.

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How to Avoid Bowel Injury During vNOTES Operation

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This video showcases a vNOTES (Vaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery) hysterectomy performed on a high-risk patient with a history of: 3 prior cesarean sections.2 laparotomies. BMI of...

vNOTES Hysterectomy

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Vaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is a  technique for minimally invasive gynecological surgery. In my video I demonstrated one step of vNOTE hysterectomy which is transection...

Abnormal Doppler in Case of IUGR

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Ductus venosus (DV) Doppler examination is established in the assessment of early-onset fetal growth restriction (FGR), and is typically performed for analyzing semiquantitative indices such as the pulsatility...

Fetal Ductus Venosus Flow Assessment

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Fetal ductus venosus flow assessment can be useful in a number of situations in fetal ultrasound: 1. First-trimester screening for aneuploidic anomalies 2. Second and third-trimester scanning when there...

Ectopic Pregnancy

views: 3977 comments: 7

Video case: 11 weeks pregnant lady completely asymptomatic came few days before her formal dating scan for just routine check up.

Ductus Venosus Doppler

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Video case: in the first trimester the ductus venosus can be easily identified with color Doppler and a ductus venosus waveform canbe obtained by pulsed Doppler. At 11–13 weeks the prevalence of...

Pre Eclampsia

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Preeclampsia is a multisystem progressive disorder characterized by the new onset of hypertension and proteinuria or the new onset of hypertension and significant end-organ dysfunction with or without...

MCA Doppler

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What is the appropriate technique for obtaining fetal middle cerebral artery Doppler waveforms? • An axial section of the brain, including the thalami and the sphenoid bone wings, should be obtained...

Tubal Ring Sign

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Tubal ring sign also referred to as bagel sign or blob sign, is one of the ultrasound signs of a tubal ectopic. It comprises an echogenic ring that surrounds an unruptured ectopic pregnancy. It is said...

Safe Use of Electrosurgery - an Overview

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Electrosurgery refers to the cutting and coagulation of tissue using a high-frequency electrical current. Physicians using this technique must be knowledgeable about the prevention and management of potential...

Cesarean Scar Pregnancy

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Cesarean scar pregnancy is a complication in which an early pregnancy implants in the scar from a prior cesarean delivery. This condition presents a substantial risk for severe maternal morbidity because...

Adolescence with Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

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Video case: adolescence with heavy menstrual bleeding.

Endometrial Hyperplasia (EH)

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Endometrial hyperplasia (EH) is a proliferation of endometrial glands which is typically categorized into two groups: EH without atypia (usually not neoplastic) and EH with atypia (neoplastic; also referred...

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C.S Scar Ectopic

C.S Scar Ectopic

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CSP is considered an ectopic pregnancy and can carry very serious consequences, including hemorrhage, abnormal placentation, and uterine ruptur.

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