Michael Vallely

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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MIS Surgery for LV Tumor

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Minimally Invasive Cardiac Vascular Surgery (MICS) is a modern approach to heart and vascular surgeries that utilizes small incisions and specialized equipment to access the heart and blood vessels. Technique...

Minimally Invasive LT Pulmonary Artery Encircling...

views: 935 comments: 0

Cardiovascular surgery video: minimally invasive LT pulmonary artery encircling and release. Professor Sam Zeraatian Nejad Davani is a renowned expert in advanced techniques in minimally invasive cardiovascular...

Tricuspid Valve Repair in Patient with PPM

views: 1574 comments: 0

In this video we show how to repair TV with MIS techniques 

Usage of Artificial Intelligence in Cardiovascular...

views: 918 comments: 0

Conference of Professor Sam Zeraatian Nejad Davani regarding usage of AI in CV surgery. 

Redo Aortic and Mitral Valve Surgery with Gradual...

views: 1426 comments: 3

Redo Aortic and Mitral Valve Surgery refers to a surgical procedure performed to repair or replace the aortic and mitral valves of the heart, which have previously been operated on. This may be necessary...

How to Define Coronary Anatomy Intraoperatively...

views: 703 comments: 0

In the realm of cardiovascular surgery, advancements in technology and techniques have revolutionized the way we diagnose and treat coronary artery disease (CAD). Among the pioneers at the forefront of...

Trido Aortic Valve Surgery

views: 951 comments: 0

Professor Sam Zeraatian Nejad Davani is a renowned cardiac surgeon specializing in trido aortic valve surgery, a complex procedure used to treat patients with a rare heart defect. Trido aortic valve surgery...

Unicaval Heart Transplantation in Patient with...

views: 1022 comments: 0

Title: Revolutionizing Cardiothoracic Surgery: Professor Sam Zeraatian Nejad Davani's Impact on Post-ECMO Uni-Cannula Heart Transplantation Introduction: Cardiothoracic surgery has witnessed remarkable...

CABG in Patient with LVEF 5 Percent and Completely...

views: 1327 comments: 6

Title: Successful Treatment of a Patient with Low LVEF and Complete Aortic Atherosclerosis Through CABG and Innominate Artery Proximal Anastomoses by Professor Sam Zeraatian Introduction: Heart disease...

Left Atrial Myxoma Embolism to the Descending...

views: 1084 comments: 0

Clinical video case: patient with the huge Lt atrial myxoma came with lower extremities ischemia and occlusion as a result of myxoma avulsion. 

Off Pump Pulmonary Embolectomy a New Paradigm...

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Pulmonary embolectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove blood clots, known as emboli, from the pulmonary arteries in the lungs. These clots typically originate from deep vein thrombosis (DVT)...

Complete Robotic CABG

views: 1765 comments: 0

Robotic CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting) is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to treat coronary artery disease. It involves using robotic arms controlled by a surgeon to perform the bypass...

Impeded Metal Object in IVC and IVCS as a Result...

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Inferior vena cava (IVC) occlusion refers to the blockage or obstruction of the large vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower body to the heart. This condition can be caused by various factors,...

Transposition of Great Coronary Arteries Operation...

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Coronary arteries typically follow a benign course, facilitating the essential function of supplying oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. However, when pathological changes occur, such as atherosclerosis,...

Complex Valve in Valve Procedure

views: 1598 comments: 0

The complex valve-in-valve procedure represents a sophisticated intervention in the field of cardiovascular medicine. This innovative technique involves the insertion of a transcatheter heart valve within...

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