Mehrdad Mesbah Kiaei

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Patient with LV aneurysm and 3VD Undergone CABG...

views: 842 comments: 0

Clinical video case: Zeraatian technique in LV size reduction instead of Dor's with CABG and externally applied Homograft.

Patient with Ascending Aorta 7 cm Aneurysm but...

views: 1198 comments: 0

In this video case we are going to show you how to perform simple supra coronary as well as hemi arch with arch cannulation and supra coronary replacement.

Patient with Pulmonary Stenosis and PS and PI...

views: 969 comments: 0

Video case: patient with PS due to COVID 19 undergone PVR with homograft and biological valve.

Patient with Pericardial Mass Compressing RA

views: 881 comments: 0

Patient with Mass in adjacency of SVC and IVC and PVS undergone complete resection and reconstruction of site with bovine pericardial patch.

Patient with Huge LT Lung Tumor and Extensive...

views: 701 comments: 0

Cardiac surgery video case: median sternotomy and intra pericardial control of all pulmonary vessels including artery and veins done extensive tumor resection performed.

Huge LA tumor with Mitral Valve Destruction and...

views: 686 comments: 0

Video case: patient with complaints of DOE altered level of consciousness and TTE and TEE and CT confirmed huge calcified LA mass Undergone tumor excision and MVR plus AVR. 

Off Pump CABG Management of Low LVEF Patient...

views: 758 comments: 0

In patients with PHTN and MR in order to impede further decrease in cardiac out put of the patient we should avoid heart severe positioning during off pump surgery.

Patient with LV Tumor and Simultaneous Mitral...

views: 1131 comments: 0

Clinical video case: 90 years old patient with SOL within LV cavity and mitral as well as aortic valve stenosis and regurgitation undergone median sternotomy and CPB and CC after CP administration. Mitral...

ESRD Patient with Dialysis Candidate for BE Excision...

views: 466 comments: 0

In this video we show you how to perform mitral valve BE evacuation and MVR in patient with ESRD dependent on dialysis with short cross clamp time and minimum level usage of Cardioplegia.

Simple Beating Apical Amputation Technique for...

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How to simply without usage of CPB amputate apical type VSR with just two teflon felts interposition on beating basis without CPB.

Repair of LT Pulmonary Artery with Patch in Order...

views: 1107 comments: 0

VIdeo case: patient with Traumatic LT pulmonary artery due to penetrating trauma undergone LT pulmonary artery off pump reconstruction with bypass from main pulmonary artery to LT pulmonary artery.

Papillary Muscle Tumor Undergone Resection with...

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Patient with DOE and chest pain in TTE as well as TEE presence of SOL in papillary muscle confirmed as well as cardiac MR undergone Sternotomy and under cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegia LA opened...

Right Hemithorax Sarcoma

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Patient with right hemi thorax sarcoma undergone intra pericardial control of vessels and tumor complete evacuation. 

Bilateral Lung Harvest and Transplantation Technical...

views: 1046 comments: 0

In this video I show you after confirming brain death of donor patient how via median sternotomy and cannulation of pulmonary artery for perfadex solution injection as well as prostaglandin injection...

Patient with Uremic Percarditis and Three Vessels...

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Video case: patient undergone sequential CABG off pump to all target vessels and proximal just one anastomoses to innominate artery to impede further calcium mobilization and CVA. 

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