Mehrdad Mesbah Kiaei

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Azygus Vein Ligation Before Cardioplegia Administration...

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In order to impede CP washout during Heart Harvest we introduce you first Azygus ligation technique during heart harvest for better heart protection. Azygous ligation in heart harvest refers to the surgical...

Parachute Mitral Valve Replacement in an Adult...

views: 581 comments: 0

Congenital mitral valve stenosis is a rare but potentially serious heart condition that is present from birth. It is characterized by the narrowing or constriction of the mitral valve, which separates...

A to Z Steps of Repairing Total Annamalous Pulmonary...

views: 792 comments: 0

Complete repair of TAPVC with confluence of PVS to LAA. With extra cardiac manner and CPB and CC.

Patient with Double Valve Endocarditis and Fistula...

views: 2032 comments: 0

Patient with pulmonary valve endocarditis and aortic valve endocarditis and fistula between these double valves and trunc. Undergone pulmonary artery base reconstruction and fistula closure and valve...

Patient with Huge Left Atrium and Left Ventricular...

views: 1511 comments: 0

Video case: patient with huge LA and LV tumor possibly hemangioma sarcoma undergone resection and coronary reconstruction with SVG and weand from CPB uneventful.

Patient with RVOT Aneurysm Undergone Florida...

views: 1623 comments: 0

Vide case: patient with blunt chest trauma undergone RVOT reconstruction with polypropylene mesh in Florida manner.

Tricuspid Valve Replacement with Aortic Valve...

views: 1083 comments: 0

Video case: tricuspid valve replacement with aortic valve inverted homograft for patient with severe TR and active BE non suitable for mechanical neither biological valve replacement .

Patient with SVCS and Bacterial Endocarditis...

views: 1075 comments: 0

In this case we show you how to perform off pump SVC reconstruction in an infected environment with substitute of Homograft with SVC and confirming patency.

Patient with Monocuspid Aortic Valve and Distal...

views: 555 comments: 0

Video case cardiac surgery: in this patient AVR done as well as bifurcation tubular graft bypass to both innominate artery and distal arch.

Patient with Extensive Ascending Aorta Dissection...

views: 444 comments: 0

Patient with extensive ascending aorta dissection and extension to the arch undergone complete arch debranching and innominate artery to carotid and subclavian stent and mixed hybrid stenting of covered...

Off Pump TV Repair and Bacterial Endocarditis...

views: 917 comments: 0

Surgical technique video: TV endocarditis Evacuation and BE evacuation and repair with total off pump technique.

How to Perform MVR in Patient with Small LA Easily...

views: 1019 comments: 0

Surgical technique video case: MVR in patient with small LA with both LA and RA separation technique. 

Patient with TAPVC and Extra Cardiac Repair of...

views: 460 comments: 0

In TAPVC and extra cardiac confluence site direct anastomoses of confluence to LA done wearing from CPB uneventful.

Redo CABG Off Pump

views: 768 comments: 2

Surgical video case: off pump technique is the best technique for Redo CABG in patient with previous occluded grafts.

Post Heart Transplantation Redo CABG off Pump...

views: 1096 comments: 0

In the video case of CAD post heart transplantation it is an important problem to consider what to do for patients with CAD in this video we review this issue and how to perform CABG redo in transplanted...

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