laparoscopic gynecaology
Laparoscopic Redo Surgery Two Years After Ovarian...
Laparoscopic redo surgery two years after ovarian cancer medico surgical management by open way (hysterectomy + pelvic lymph node dissection + omentectomy + 6 cycles of chemotherapy).
Broad Ligament Endometriosis Management
This video shows a laparoscopic broad ligament endometriosis management with ureteral dissection.
Sacrocolpopexy for Severe Urogenital Prolaps
This video made by doctor Moulay nabil gynecologist in Morrocco shows the tips and tricks for laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for severe tri compartimental uro genital prolaps.
Sacrocolpopexy for Tri Compartimental Urogenital...
This video shows the tips and tricks for laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for severe tri compartimental uro genital prolaps.
Laparoscopic Pectopexy for Uro Genital Prolaps
This video shows the modified pectopexy technique for uro genital prolaps. This endoscopic procedure is performed in clinique la capitale at Rabat.
Complex Hysterectomy with Recto Vaginal Endometriosis
This video shows a laparoscopic total hysterectomy and rectovaginal endometriosis management. This endoscopic procedure is performed in clinique la capitale at Rabat Morrocco.
Hysterectomy for Beginners - Tips and Tricks
This video shows the narrated technique for laparoscopic total hysterectomy.
Rare Case of Genital Tuberculosis With Tubal...
This video shows a laparoscopy for primary infertility with a are case of genital tuberculosis with tubal patency.
Challenging Hysteroscopic Myomectomy
This video case shows hysteroscopic myomectomy with 6 mm bipolar miniresectoscope.
Laparoscopy, Obesity, Endometrial Cancer
This video case shows the laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy and total hysterectomy in obese woman with endometrial cancer. This endoscopic procedure is performed in clinique la capitale at Rabat Morrocco.
Laparoscopic Trachelectomy on Frozen Pelvis
This video case presents laparoscopic trachelectomy after with multiple open surgeries. This technique is performed in clinique la capitale, Rabat Morrocco.
Laparoscopic Myomectomy Minimizing Material Exposure...
Laparoscopic treatment of uterine fibroids is a common procedure. To improve the results, it is worth using the new generation of Quill barbed surgical sutures. Laparoscopic myomectomy is the main surgical...
Laparoscopic Myomectomy Animation 3 Layer Closure...
Animation showing the correct use of Quill® barbed sutures during laparoscopic myomectomy.