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Hemoptysis - Overview and Management

Specialty:  Pediatrics
views: 3145 comments: 1

In this video, speaker reviews hemoptysis, including symptoms, physical assessment, lab studies, and treatment. After viewing this video you should be able to: - define hemoptysis; - generate a differential...

Complex Uniportal VATS Left Lower Lobectomy in...

views: 1963 comments: 0

In this video we show a challenging left lower lobectomy in a patient with recurrent hemoptysis and infections. The lower lobe was destroyed due to bronquiectasis so the case was proposed for surgery....

Pulmonary Aspergilloma Operated By Minimally...

views: 8311 comments: 0

In patients with pulmonary aspergilloma, surgical resection is generally performed by a thoracotomy because of severe adhesions and the risk for massive hemorrhage. However, because the preoperative general...

Massive Epistaxis - 76-year-old female patient...

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Approximately 90% of nosebleeds can be visualized in the anterior portion of the nasal cavity. Massive epistaxis may be confused with hemoptysis or hematemesis. Blood dripping from the posterior nasopharynx...

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