
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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N.O.S.E. Right Hemicolectom

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Right hemicolectomy by Natural Orifice Specimen Extraction (N.O.S.E.) Video by S. S. Rua, A. Pinto.

Cecum - Resection of Large Pedunculated Polyp

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Video presents a case of middle aged man with HTN, found to have a large pedunculated polyp in the cecum. Recommended to undergo right hemicolectomy because of large polyps, thick stalks, cecal polyps....

Laparo-Endoscopic Single Site (LESS) Right Hemicolectomy

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This video shows Laparo-Endoscopic Single Site (LESS) right hemicolectomy in 66-year-old man who was found through surveillance colonoscopy with a 2,5 cm tubulovillous adenoma in his ascending colon which...

Laparoscopic Extended Right Hemicolectomy with...

views: 9548 comments: 0

In this video you can see laparoscopic extended right hemicolectomy with intracorporeal anastomosis for a large lesion of the trasverse colon. Video by Minimally Invasive Surgery Department of Surgery...

Resection Of Hepatic Flexure Carcinoma - Laparoscopic...

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Hepatic flexure carcinoma differs in lymphatic spread than carcinoma of the cecum, as it involves spread to the middle colic vessels. we present the technique of resection of these lesions.

Minimally Invasive Hemicolon Excision-Radical...

views: 5662 comments: 0

Aim: This is a presentation of the Single Incision hemicolon resection in an obese patient, suffering from cecal polyp, which could not be excisied endoscopically. Intervention: It was a SILS procedure...

Status Post Hemicolectomy (2 of 2)

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A case of pseudo obstruction due to a status post surgery of right hemicolectomy due to cecum carcinoma. The video clip displays the invagination opening and the colonoscope pass through to the ileon...

Status Post Hemicolectomy (1 of 2)

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The patient had episodic abdominal pseudo obstruction, one year after surgery; the small diameter of the anastomosis was found to be invaginated. The colonoscope passed through to the ileon for 20...

Ileum-transverse Anastomosis (3 of 3)

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Another image and video of this anastomosis

Ileum-transverse Anastomosis (2 of 3)

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A close up of the anastomosis.

Ileum-transverse Anastomosis (1 of 3)

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A 42 year-old female, who previously underwent a right hemicolectomy resection three years ago, due to colon leiomyoma of the ascending colon.

Metachronous Carcinoma

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Carcinoma of the transverse colon, proximal to the splecnic angle. A 69 year-old male who had colon surgery thirteen years ago (Right Hemicolectomy for an adenocarcinoma of the cecum) He had no...

Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy

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This video shows laparoscopic right hemicolectomy.

Open Right Hemicolectomy – Technical Principles...

views: 12163 comments: 0

In this medical video Professor of Surgery, Adam Dziki, The Chairman of The Association of Polish Surgeons, presents technical principles of performing the open right hemicolectomy. The Professor indicates...

Open Right Hemicolectomy – Technical Principles...

views: 4886 comments: 1

In this medical video Professor of Surgery, Adam Dziki, The Chairman of The Association of Polish Surgeons, presents technical principles of performing the open right hemicolectomy. The Professor indicates...

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