Hadad flap

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CSF Leak Repair in 5 Layers

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CSF leak repaired in 5 layers: Fascia lata - Septal cartilage - Fascia lata - Hadad flap - Middle turbinate flap for a defect measuring 1 cm in the right cribriform and Fovea Ethmoidalis area, Dr G...

CSF Rhinorrhoea

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The video presents a difficult case of CSF leak and its endonasal endoscopic closure with the use of bilateral Hadad flaps.

Hadad Flap and Reverse Hadad Flap

views: 9436 comments: 0

The video is a step by step guide to harvesting Hadad flap and reverse Hadad flap. The Hadad flap is used for reconstruction in skull base surgery. Its pedicle is the posterior septal artery. The second...

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