
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Moheb Gamel

Specialty:  Pulmonology
views: 328 comments: 0

All you need to know about "Sarcoidosis" in only 20 minutes.

Intubation Granuloma

views: 6058 comments: 0

35 years old male patient with hoarseness of voice sine he had a surgery under GA

Gastrostomy Granuloma - Laserotherapy

views: 9174 comments: 0

Granuloma of the external part is an usuall complication of the gastrostomy feeding tubes (PEG). Less eager to this are low profile tubes. Large granulomas may cause problem with feeding and even bleeding....

Crohn's Disease - Endoscopy (5 of 28)

views: 4014 comments: 0

Crohn´s Disease. The video clip displays passing of the colonoscope through to the first nodular stenosis, displaying a second transverse colon lesion which is nodular and ulcerated also. Microscopically,...

Barrett´s Esophagus -granuloma- (4 of 4)

views: 3630 comments: 0

50 years ago, he ingested some substance and suffered larynx burn after that he presented dysphonia. A granuloma is observed at left of the image.

Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) (1 of 2) State...

views: 8004 comments: 0

This picture shows the diminution of the size after one month of treatment with PPI.

Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) (1 of 2) - Granuloma

views: 12553 comments: 0

GRANULOMA - The vocal fold on the right side of the picture has a granuloma attached to the vocal process which is causing a small reactive lesion on the opposite vocal process. Laryngopharyngeal...

Intubation Granuloma involving the right arytenoid...

views: 10798 comments: 0

Unpredictable situations, reactions or events may cause complications during endotracheal intubation. Laryngeal spasm, post-intubation oedema, vocal process granuloma, posterior glottic scar, arytenoid...

Lung - Healed Granuloma

views: 7396 comments: 0

Why is this called healed? If this was active TB years ago, and it is now called healed, might you still expect to culture acid fast organisms from here? Can the terms fibrosis and scarring be used...

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