
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Hip Pain - Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

views: 1375 comments: 0

Pain can arise from the structures that are within the hip joint or from the structures surrounding the hip joint.

Fracture Healing and Non-Union

views: 1331 comments: 0

Jeh Mahaluxmivala on fracture healing and non-union. For upcoming webinars and courses , please visit: Please follow us on Twitter ,Facebook ,InstagramLinkedIn and Telegram...

Paediatric Trauma

views: 1263 comments: 0

The teaching session is about pediatric trauma. - The session is organized by the FRCS Mentor Group and Orthopedic Research UK. - The first speaker is Mr. Tom Crompton, a consultant pediatric orthopedic...

Mandibular Fractures - 3D Reconstruction


Specialty:  Neurosurgery
views: 2251 comments: 0

3D reconstruction video of mandibular fracture. The advantages of a medical illustrators' creation of a 3D image of an injury is that they are able to use anatomical, medical, and biomechanical knowledge...

Birth Injuries - CRASH! Medical Review Series

Paul Bolin

Specialty:  Neonatology
views: 3986 comments: 0

The most common bitrh injuries are discussed in the movie.

Musculoskeletal Trauma (fractures)

views: 2517 comments: 0

This film is composed of two parts. The first part describes characteristics of injuries such as the formation mechanisms, estimating the consequences of injuries (principle 5P) and diagnostics. The second...

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