ent clinical case

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Endoscopic Butterfly Tympanoplasty for Eardrum...

views: 578 comments: 1

ENT clinical case: inlay butterfly tympanoplasty. 

Inferior Turbinate Radiofrequency

views: 285 comments: 0

ENT clinical case: inferior turbinate radiofrequency. Performed by Prof. Xavier Gonzalez-Compta MD, PhD. 

Endoscopic Tympanoplasty: Cartilage Butterfly

views: 308 comments: 0

Endoscopic tympanoplasty: cartilage butterfly.

Nasal Floor Flap - Anterior Septal Perforation...

views: 1181 comments: 0

Nasal floor flap for anterior septal perforation. Enric Cisa M.D. 

Post Traumatic Crocked Nose Complete Nasal Obstruction,...

views: 866 comments: 0

Clinical video case: chilhood trauma caused a collapsed lower half of nose with severe nasal obstruction.

Endoscopic Stapedotomy with Microdrill for Otosclerosis

views: 1528 comments: 0

This is an operative video of a right side stapedotomy using a microdrill.

Acquired Subglottic Stenosis

views: 1220 comments: 0

Axial cuts of CT neck shows acquired subglottic stenosis grade 4.

Tonsil Reduction Surgery - Surgery of the Tonsils

views: 2916 comments: 3

ENT video case: partial/subtotal tonsillectomy with coblator.

Endoscopic PORP Ossiculoplasty Tympanoplasty

views: 1704 comments: 0

ENT video case: endoscopic PORP ossiculoplasty tympanoplasty.

PAA Temporal Fascia - Periosteum Rotational Flap

views: 1730 comments: 2

This is a demonstration of what we do, in every postauricular approach we design a PPA flap. We believe it to be an analogue to the nasoseptal flap in otologic surgery. And we use it daily to obliterate...

Ear Canal Preparation for Endoscopic Ear Surgery

views: 1530 comments: 0

The preparation of the ear canal is fundamental when starting with endoscopic ear surgery, as bleeding while elevating the tympanomeatal flap can be very frustrating. We only use one infiltration point,...

Extra-Corpreal Septo-Rhinoplasty

views: 1913 comments: 0

Basic concepts of extracorporeal seotorhinoplasty.

Bilateral Vocal Cord Leukoplakia with Sings of...

views: 3841 comments: 5

Clinical case: 37 years old male, smoker, with a chief complaint of hoarseness, known case of Hiatus Hernia with gastritis on PPI treatment.

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