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Disaster Exercise - Code Triage - Patient Evacuation...

Specialty:  Traumatology
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Video shows report from exercises on patient evacuation in case of earthquake. Code triage is based on patient's health status assesment during evacuation caused by disaster affecting hospital. Video...

Challenges in Disaster

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Professor Jay Doucet in this presentation discusses ways of preparation and organization of medical assistance in the event of an accident in which large amounts of persons are injured and or wounded.

Initial Management of Burns - B. Potenza, MD

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A presentation from B. Potenza, MD from UC San Diego Medical Center, focusing on the issue of initial management of burns.

Burn treatment - chapter 1 of 4 - prehospital...

views: 2609 comments: 0

A short cycle of videos prepared by UCSD Regional Burn Center. The follownig video focuses on prehospital preparedness in case of burn disasters. Presented by Bruce Potenza, MD

Module II: Disaster Management Principles

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Disasters are very complex and difficult situations for healthcare providers as they provide high number of patients in very short time. Therefore, an adequate plans must be done in order to make the...

The Burn Surge Program

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The following video presents the history of burn disasters in San Diego County and the rationale for a burn surge plan as well as highlights of the burn surge plan, including stage-specific triage and...

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