
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Laparoscopy for Multiple Ovarian Dermoid Cysts...

Nabil Moulay

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 5878 comments: 0

This video case shows a laparoscopic management of multiple dermoide ovarian cysts located in the right ovary after previews left ovariectomy made by open way. This endoscopic procedure is performed in...

Laparoscopic Salpingo-oopherectomy for Large...

Behnaz Nouri

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 4895 comments: 0

The patient was 42 years old G2P2 with history of pelvic pain and large adenxal mass. She underwent laparoscopic surgery. We found sever adhesions with large Ovarian mass. Definitive diagnosis was...

Myomectomy and Dermoid Ovarian Cystectomy

Dr R K Mishra

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 19884 comments: 0

Ovarian cysts are very common in women during reproductive age and most of them are benign. Very few actually cause symptoms, such as pain, that are associated with ovarian cancer. Ovarian dermoid cysts...

Laparoscopic Removal of Bilateral Ovarian Tumors

Marcin Misiek

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 8378 comments: 0

23 years old patient with bilateral dermoid cysts size 5 and 6 cm.

Intra Spinal Dermoid

views: 4148 comments: 0

In this video you can see intra spinal dermoid.

Epidermoid Cerebello Pontine Angle - Microsurgical...

views: 7275 comments: 0

Epidermoid is tumor like mass. It is benign(non cancerous) mass occuring any where in the brain also known as pearly tumor of brain. It occures 1-2% of all brain tumors. Common sites are mid line areas...

Treatment for Dermoid Cyst - Cystectomy Performed...

Paul P.G

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 20240 comments: 1

You will be able to observe the stages of laparoscopic removal of dermoid cyst.

Limbal Dermoid Ablation - Fugo Blade

views: 5262 comments: 0

The footage presents the ablation of limbal dermoid with Fugo blade plasma energy. The blleding and charring is absent, as well as the postoperative reaction.

Dermoid of The Corneal Limbus - Ablation

views: 6420 comments: 0

The video presents the ablation of a large dermoid, localized on the lower corneal limbus. The operator removes the dermoid almost completely with use of Fugo plasma blade. Burning and charring of the...

Dermoid of The Corneal Limbus - 1-Year-Old Child

views: 5588 comments: 0

The video presents the removal/ablation of a large corneal limbus dermoid with a Fugo blade. The dermoid is cleared out of the cornera, limbus and sclera. The operator brings the conjuctiva forward and...

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